
Well-Known Member
Evening all!

Whilst putting me rear diff back in on Saturday i noticed the rear UJ on the rear prop has play in it.
I've noticed that when I greased it, the grease wouldn't come out one side of this UJ, and laziness led me to ignore it and now its chuffed.

Does anyone know if Britpart props are any good? Or their UJ kits? First hand experience would be good. I've re-build both axles and used a fair few britpart parts including swivels, discs, pads etc and had no worries, so just wondered what the consensus was on their Props as I know.opinion split, any heads up would be great!

Ideally id like a gwyn lewis propcos they're nice and blue, but a bit fookin expensive! Cheers guys!
If the prop itself is OK, why not just change the UJ?

Fit GKN UJ's, get the ones with a grease nipple, cheap enough and not difficult to fit.


Yes thats why I asked about experience with Britpart UJ kits?
I used GKN uj's on my green rebuild one is still going the other lasted less than 50miles, put on a britpart shaft 6 months ago no problem since
Why not just fit driveline props or hardy spicer ujs, they dont really cost much more.
I fitted a Britpart front prop when I removed my lift kit, the prop itself was fine but the ujs were the sealed for life type and lasted about 12months. I then rebuilt it with GKN greasable UJ's which lasted better, but that is probably down to regularly filling it with grease rather than a different brand. If there is not much of a price differance I would fit GKN rather than britpart, but that personal preferance, I have not had the bad experiences with bripart others seem to have.
Britpart props are just fine as I think GKN makes them, the britpart u/js on the other hand are just carp.

Ive got britpart props on both my series and the 90 some been on there 5 odd years no issues.

Also bear in mind if the prop has been often greased and the u/j has worn theres a good chance the slider is worn so a new prop is the way to go.
Thankyou all for taking the time to reply, I really do appreciate it.

As the 90 is my everydayer I think I'll get the best I can afford, rather than make do now and have to chase my tail later.

The Landy had a rubbish lift when I bought it, without any castor correction or cranked arms, and I reckon that's maybe some reason as to why its now duffed and I don't really trust the other uj to last much longer in this regard.

Thanks once again guys :)
I have a dumb sounding question, but I'll go for it anyway.

Hardy Spicer, are they a good make because I'm confused, as every Britpart prop I find says " Britpart, Hardy Spicer", in which case a Britpart prop should be just fine?

I'm unfamiliar with the name, or what is the oem make? I'm tired and unsure! :p
I have a dumb sounding question, but I'll go for it anyway.

Hardy Spicer, are they a good make because I'm confused, as every Britpart prop I find says " Britpart, Hardy Spicer", in which case a Britpart prop should be just fine?

I'm unfamiliar with the name, or what is the oem make? I'm tired and unsure! :p
hardy spicer is a good make its part of gkn
Hardy Spicer arnt a part of GKN anymore, and they don't make props for the UK market. They are based in Australia and don't sell outside of Australia.#
Hindustan Hardy Spicer Ltd (HHSL) in India makes the genuine Hardy Spicer / GKN Universal Joints and 1300 & 1310 series driveshafts under licence to GKN.

This is an EMail I got from Hardy Spicer.

Thank you for your enquiry. We do not supply Landrover shafts to anyone outside of Australia; in fact, we do not even stock them. Our service centres just build to order or repair the existing driveshaft, as these are not a common item in our part of the world.

If these driveshafts are not being supplied by GKN Driveline (was previously Hardy Spicer Driveline), then there are a few sources that could sell these as genuine Hardy Spicer shafts.

Hindustan Hardy Spicer Ltd (HHSL) in India makes the genuine Hardy Spicer / GKN Universal Joints and 1300 & 1310 series driveshafts under licence to GKN. Their U/Joints are packaged in the green Hardy Spicer boxes so I assume that their complete shafts would also be branded as Hardy Spicer. Companies in the UK such as IMS & Bailey Morris import from HHSL and my colleague, who has just recently visited HHSL, advises that they do sell to Brit part. HHSL is predominantly an OE supplier to Indian and other vehicle manufacturers with only a small part of their business being for the aftermarket.

Another supplier worth looking at for Landrover shafts is Adroit Industries, also from India. They have a wide range of Landrover shafts. Generally, they use GMB, NEAPCO or Wanxiang (WGC) U/J’s, but will use whatever joints you want to specify assuming the volume is acceptable. They do not make their own joints. In our opinion, the Adroit quality, under their new owners, is better than HHSL. Adroit is an aftermarket supplier only.

We trust that the above information is useful.

Regards, ''

They even recommend another manufacturer over Hardy Spicer HHSL!

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