OK, Maybe I need to take another look at the Lynx Evo. I definitely need to keep learning. Support tells me that the engine can be running, so long as I'm not programming the engine/gearbox (common sense), so at least the battery should remain charged. I do have the EKA – thankfully!
By the way, where did you see that the Lynx Evo needs wifi? That continues to escape me. Wifi was required to activate the product to start with, which is understandable. However, the main comms between the dongle and the phone are via Bluetooth.

But the helpline tells me that wifi is required every time the app is opened, to verify something-or-other. If this was advertised, I guess it's my fault for not seeing it. But I still haven't found it. Am I being blind?
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I thought that the comms are via wifi, i have a tool like that.... so if it's bluetooth and once is set no more wifi needed IMO
Agreed. Makes it impossible to use in most situations. It might explain various issues I've been having with the app.
On my iphone, the app tells me that my bluetooth is turned off. Yet my settings show bluetooth on, and "connected" to the dongle (serial number shown). I can't get further than that. On an Android phone, it works nicely – for a while. Then, the next time I try to use it, it simply doesn't move me along to the model selection page. Some sort of error pop-up appears for a split-second. But I'm not good at reading a popup that appears for less time than a lightning bolt!

This might all be due to not having wifi where I was working (though I don't know why it worked the first time on the Android).
Also, many of the functions displayed on the website, such as full health reports, don't seem to be available for the Discovery 2. I'm simply not seeing much of what was advertised. The page says "Programming - such as alarm settings, key fobs etc. on selected models." Maybe the D2 isn't a "select model."
Also, many of the functions displayed on the website, such as full health reports, don't seem to be available for the Discovery 2. I'm simply not seeing much of what was advertised. The page says "Programming - such as alarm settings, key fobs etc. on selected models." Maybe the D2 isn't a "select model."

This tends to be a problem which many D2 owners seem to come across when looking for a diagnostic device, particularly for the diesel Disco 2. The diagnostics were "special" to Land Rover and didn't become compatible with OBDII protocols until the release of the Disco 3 in mid-2004.
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I believe the Lynx is compatible. But maybe the Lynx Evo isn't. Not sure, though I still think it is, since it was reading/clearing the engine fault codes for the td5.

Under "Force Output" (I think?) it did give me the option to force the "Robust Immobiliser." I just didn't know what I was looking for. I could take another look, but I've had quite enough of the connection issues with both the iOS and Android apps for the Lynx Evo.

By the way, when the advertising says the system offers "Actuators" and "Special Functions," those terms are not mentioned in the App. I'm guessing that "Force Output" is another term for "Actuator," but that's guesswork. Maybe someone could enlighten me?
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In the U.S.A., the Lynx Evo is sold by Atlantic British as the "iLand." Same product, different logo. They have a number of demonstrations of its use (better than Britpart), so I asked them the question:

Screen Shot 2018-01-30 at 08.36.17.png

I'm beginning to wonder if the Lynx Evo support guy needs to read the User Manual that they couldn't be bothered to write! All very confusing. Now I'm wondering if he knew what he was talking about regarding the wifi, too.
OK, I've given the Lynx Evo another try. I opened the app indoors (wifi available), but paired and used the dongle out of wifi range. I did some comms errors, though I still don't know why. Here are some screen-shots:


@sierrafery , was this the correct menu to look at?
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I did have the engine running, since I was told by Lynx support that it would be alright to have it running during security functions.
Note: I've taken down my questions regarding a mistake I made (selecting Mobilisation Learn), as I've found out what Mobilisation Learn means.

I would be grateful for further advice / constructive criticism.
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"Mobilisation learn" is for the case when you change the ECU, IMO you should try what is under that "alarm trigger" menu, and if you find something like "alarm not fitted" or "no alarm" or something similar save that... that communication thing might be a bad contact in the socket or something, make sure there is not some loosen pin in the vehicle's plug
Thank you again. I've just taken down my question regarding Mobilisation Learn, as I phoned Britpart support to find out what I had done to the vehicle!
Well, there's one more term I now have under my belt.
I did look at "Alarm Triggers." It simply lists data on how many times the alarm has been triggered, etc. as far as I can make out. Not quite sure what it means, though.
Here's the page:
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I have been looking in the "Maintenance" menu (see first screen-shot). Maybe I should be looking under the "Force Outputs" menu? The force outputs menu seems to give the option to "force on" or "force off" etc. I tried it on the fuel flap, and selected "force on", but nothing seemed to happen.
Ohhh... I've just remembered the CAN error on the engine. This is a comms error between ECU's, isn't it? Maybe that could also be affecting communications with the Lynx. I've not got round to checking the connections you mentioned.
Then under that mobilisation learn wasnt any submenu? ....very strange menu it has, enter under each section to see...what's under that force outputs or "version information"?

the CAN is only between engine and transmission ECUs

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