@Jamiegreen , Do you know if it can edit the immobiliser settings. Whatever we get, we need to deal with a faulty immobiliser – and rather than spend ages tracing wires and replacing components, I'm tempted to set the immobiliser to be disarmed by the key in the door – or just switching the immobiliser off for good, maybe.
I'm probably not the person to ask as I haven't even used mine yet, totaled the disco before I got a chance to plug it in o_O
But as far as I know this tool does just about anything any other tool can do to a landy, and I know it can program keys etc, so I'd imagine it can mess with the immobilizer.
I've just phoned Lynx Evo support, who tell me that the Lynx evo can't edit or disable the immobiliser, and that wifi is required every time the phone app is opened.
We're looking to return the unit.
I've just phoned Lynx Evo support, who tell me that the Lynx evo can't edit or disable the immobiliser, and that wifi is required every time the phone app is opened.
We're looking to return the unit.
But did you enter first in the security - BCU programing menu cos there should be the alarm settings ... the old lynx has it
I have a feeling that the old Lynx and the Lynx Evo are somewhat unrelated. Not sure where the Evo has come from, but I'm not sure that it is actually a child of the old Lynx.

Maybe I'll post some screenshots of what it has under the Security section. I was about to wrap it up to send back to Britpart.

I've also just phoned Bearmach support. He says that the Hawkeye Total is unlocked to all Land Rovers, but won't read fault codes on other manufacturers' vehicles. He thought it could edit the immobiliser settings, but he didn't know.

Really appreciate your help. Lynx or Hawkeye support help-lines should employ some of you fellows!
what i know is that both lynx and hawkeye are made by omitec the builder of the testbook T4 main dealar's tool on the same protocol, also i have some experience with all kind of diagnostic tools as i've had myself at least 6 modells and always a newer modell had the old one's coverage + some extra features so IMO both Lynx and hawkeye total should be able to do what the old hawkeye can and with this one i disabled few alarms/immobilisers with success here is it's user guide:


  • Hawkeye User Manual.pdf
    6 MB · Views: 3,346
what i know is that both lynx and hawkeye are made by omitec the builder of the testbook T4 main dealar's tool on the same protocol, also i have some experience with all kind of diagnostic tools as i've had myself at least 6 modells and always a newer modell had the old one's coverage + some extra features so IMO both Lynx and hawkeye total should be able to do whaIt the old hawkeye can and with this one i disabled few alarms/immobilisers with success here is it's user guide:
Is there an updated manual for the new looking model or is it basically the same thing?
Thank you @sierrafery I'll take a look. If the Lynx Evo requires wifi or even just mobile data in order to make verifications each time you open the app, and before you can connect to the vehicle, it's not going to be of much use in Africa if/when we take the Discovery out there. We liked the looks of the Evo (before we bought it) because we thought it was fully mobile.
@sierrafery Thank you for the information. This does look very much like what I've seen from the old Lynx's user manual. If this is the correct menu, what would I select to edit the immobiliser? Sorry, unlike yourself, I'm completely new to diagnostics.

Screen Shot 2018-01-29 at 17.03.01.png
Better navigate through the whole Lynx page ( http://www.lynx-diagnostics.com/what-is-lynx-evo/ ) first cos that wifi is about the phone to be connected to wifi and receive the lynx's wifi transmission, and it seems that it has special functions for BCU exactly like the old one http://www.lynx-diagnostics.com/land-rover-coverage/discovery-2/ IMO it's operator error so better learn to use it rather than buy another and not know how to use that too

http://www.lynx-diagnostics.com/land-rover-coverage/ ,
@sierrafery Thank you for the information. This does look very much like what I've seen from the old Lynx's user manual. If this is the correct menu, what would I select to edit the immobiliser? Sorry, unlike yourself, I'm completely new to diagnostics.

View attachment 140546
As i said better learn how to use the device, i've already said few times previously... it's about PROGRAMMING not circuit tests, once you are in that menu the alarm has option of not fitted which will disable everything alarm related which means immobilisation too
Thank you @sierrafery. I do intend to learn. It is largely operator error, I know; but it's pretty incredible that they can sell a product like that without a user manual. Makes it mighty confusing for a young fellow who's scared of cooking a vehicle's electronics by doing something wrong. Thank you for your patient help.
You'll not cook anything by simply navigating through the menus without confirming settings...all these kind of devices will ask for final confirmation... just navigate to see what it has then when you are certain confirm...then if it's not well you can do everyhting back just be aware that the vehicle's battery to be well charged or keep a charger on it while you work cos a voltage drop while you are connecte can cause some trouble.... not irreversible as long as you know the EKA

though i agree that the lack of a comprehensive user guide is a shame

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