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Front rear and 2 centre hoops together, stand on end, fold top of the cylinder into the middle of where the cylinder was, bring in outside circles and shuffle until they're all the same size. Done ! :p

Ok smarty pants but can you do it drunk and blindfold.... you might be tested (and videoed) ;)
Front rear and 2 centre hoops together, stand on end, fold top of the cylinder into the middle of where the cylinder was, bring in outside circles and shuffle until they're all the same size. Done ! :p

Ermm this tent only has one hoop?? Ya have to coil it into 3 hoops in order to get it in it's bag. Which is deliberately made too small for 3 hoops to fit. and it's not possible to coil the hoop into 4 :rolleyes:
Ermm this tent only has one hoop?? Ya have to coil it into 3 hoops in order to get it in it's bag. Which is deliberately made too small for 3 hoops to fit. and it's not possible to coil the hoop into 4 :rolleyes:

Aahh mines a 2 man, god only knows how you fit 2 people in it but still, I'm sure I can do it though ;)
Ok.......comrade accy has returned, declared LZ a workers collective with everyone equal.....though obviously not as equal as him :D is....

Organisers have been in touch with accy and some sort of pricing and number allowances should/may/possibly not...become apparent soon but assuming similar figures to last year it would be good to know......

1) Who is bringing the cake?
Anyone and everyone

2) Who is up for manning the stand (or womanning....actually I like the sound of that....might give womanning a go myself)
I'm quite parshall to a bit of womanning (it doesn't require surgery does it?)

3) Do we think having a Landy to work on at the stand is a good idea (clue.....yes)

4) Do we want to do Eastnor as well as The B&W show?
Why the hell not

5) Who is bringing the cake?
as above

6) How heavy duty will the restraints need to be to keep Fanny in check? (This is a trick question........nothing will do the job so come prepared for a fight against overwhelming numbers)
I got one that should work.. I'll give it a rinse first.

If you actually recognize this you are disturbing

7) How are we going to decide/bicker/argue/sulk about whose Landy gets trash....sorry.......worked on?
I think anyone who want to step up as a victim should pipe up with an idea of what you want doing, and then the victim/s can be picked at random.
Chrome butt & cock ring cock goes in ring ball goes up arse. If ya get a stiffy it rips ya arse out. :eek:
Pikey says for you to get yer arse back in the kitchen cos Beasties his Bitch now.:confused::p

Yer drooling ketchup all down yer front again :rolleyes: many Landys did we get in last year?

Was it 8, was that the max we wuz allowed or could we've snuck in a few more?
Remember we are in general chat and this is a fred about representing LZ in public.....

WTF am I saying? :doh: :confused:

Carry on :D
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