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There is a lovely pub next to the showground that does awesome Food anorl..
Missed my cooking?

I did....thankfully :D

Waiting fer word from accy, dunt know if he has any plans but I've looked at the standard costings and application and it doesn't cover the kind of set-up we had last year so will have to be negociated.

Reckon accys idea of having a Landy and kit to modify/repair for some poor deserving blue beas......sorry.....person is a bloody good'un. Just so we have a focus other than the bbq and Roys amazing invisible blow-up LZ live :D
I did....thankfully :D

Waiting fer word from accy, dunt know if he has any plans but I've looked at the standard costings and application and it doesn't cover the kind of set-up we had last year so will have to be negociated.

Reckon accys idea of having a Landy and kit to modify/repair for some poor deserving blue beas......sorry.....person is a bloody good'un. Just so we have a focus other than the bbq and Roys amazing invisible blow-up LZ live :D

We can play a game of how many lz'ers can we get blocked out by the servers at any one time annorl:D:D:D
Ok.......comrade accy has returned, declared LZ a workers collective with everyone equal.....though obviously not as equal as him :D is....

Organisers have been in touch with accy and some sort of pricing and number allowances should/may/possibly not...become apparent soon but assuming similar figures to last year it would be good to know......

1) Who is bringing the cake?

2) Who is up for manning the stand (or womanning....actually I like the sound of that....might give womanning a go myself)

3) Do we think having a Landy to work on at the stand is a good idea (clue.....yes)

4) Do we want to do Eastnor as well as The B&W show?

5) Who is bringing the cake?

6) How heavy duty will the restraints need to be to keep Fanny in check? (This is a trick question........nothing will do the job so come prepared for a fight against overwhelming numbers)

7) How are we going to decide/bicker/argue/sulk about whose Landy gets trash....sorry.......worked on?

8-47) We'll worry about them later

Guess it'll have to be first come first served basis ( and that's not some sort of pervy student game....) I'll work out who's said they're up for it already in a bit when I've drunk me coffee
Ok.......comrade accy has returned, declared LZ a workers collective with everyone equal.....though obviously not as equal as him :D is....

Organisers have been in touch with accy and some sort of pricing and number allowances should/may/possibly not...become apparent soon but assuming similar figures to last year it would be good to know......

1) Who is bringing the cake?

2) Who is up for manning the stand (or womanning....actually I like the sound of that....might give womanning a go myself)

3) Do we think having a Landy to work on at the stand is a good idea (clue.....yes)

4) Do we want to do Eastnor as well as The B&W show?

5) Who is bringing the cake?

6) How heavy duty will the restraints need to be to keep Fanny in check? (This is a trick question........nothing will do the job so come prepared for a fight against overwhelming numbers)

7) How are we going to decide/bicker/argue/sulk about whose Landy gets trash....sorry.......worked on?

8-47) We'll worry about them later

Guess it'll have to be first come first served basis ( and that's not some sort of pervy student game....) I'll work out who's said they're up for it already in a bit when I've drunk me coffee

Ill no doubt break mine so it she can be offered for work ? :p
Ooooo....this is likely to get out of hand very quickly......just skimmed through who's already said they wanna come.

I should point out this list is for those that would like to man the stall for the far as far as I can figure out in some sort of order is....

Freddy 007
200tdi ayre
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