My apologies to you CharlesY and to any others (barring mrr84) who may feel that I did not act in the spirit of the forum.

Did yer slag sum 1 off?;) An did yer upset them??:p If yer did I'd say that were well in the spirit of LZ. Keep up the goodwork son.:D :D
Did yer slag sum 1 off?;) An did yer upset them??:p If yer did I'd say that were well in the spirit of LZ. Keep up the goodwork son.:D :D

I just have a problem with those who feel they have to shout about their wealth all the time.

I'm not the only one, I bet.

Cheers fella. :)
Originally Posted by BoomerV8 View Post
My apologies to you CharlesY and to any others (barring mrr84) who may feel that I did not act in the spirit of the forum.

Hoy! What am I missing here? Why is this BloomerV8 saying sorry to me?

And I didn't even get a chance to blast him with some abuse!

This forum is going to them dogs when a fellow gets an apology and doesn't even know why.

Originally Posted by BoomerV8 View Post
My apologies to you CharlesY and to any others (barring mrr84) who may feel that I did not act in the spirit of the forum.

Hoy! What am I missing here? Why is this BloomerV8 saying sorry to me?

And I didn't even get a chance to blast him with some abuse!

This forum is going to them dogs when a fellow gets an apology and doesn't even know why.


You obviously had a problem with what I posted feller, so I apologised. My argument was not with you.
But if you wish to give abuse well nows your chance.......:rolleyes:
You obviously had a problem with what I posted feller, so I apologised. My argument was not with you.
But if you wish to give abuse well nows your chance.......:rolleyes:
yer mother works down the docks on a friday evening
Didnt think I would buy a TATA badged i'm sure!.... I wonder if that picture was taken buy that UBER photographer, earlyer on in the thread :)
out of all of the potential purchasers TATA is probably the best

seeing as they already own Tetley Tea, Corus and have a massive but little known IT business over here - dispite their naff range of vehicles at least they arent strapped fer a few quid and wont be looking to split the group and then sell on fer a massive profit a year after they buy in
The one thing that IS important, is that ALL the business's thay have aquired have kept their names !!!!

Yjey are only really a holding company
The one thing that IS important, is that ALL the business's thay have aquired have kept their names !!!!

Yjey are only really a holding company

and all the cars they make leak oil, rust ta **** and only last out their warranty period b4 they disintegrate into a pile o ****
I saw on TV that that little car thing is expected to sell for about £1200. That is bloody cheep for a car...........but would I buy one?......I think not.

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