I agree with you on that one Yella , and its still family owned, which is more than can be said for anything similar in the UK.

I had experience with Tata utes in Oz yeah the technology isnt the latest but you couldnt fault them for toughness in the hands of farmers even took it better than T%Y$*TA . If they can use the tech of LR and put some toughness back into LR it wouldnt be a bad thing for both. JMHO:)
well seen as they on over half of the worlds steel production they might even put a bit more of it in the chassis
Its funny how you try to compare Tata's cars on a international level. How can you say Tata knows nothing about cars which isn't at all true. The safety levels in their cars, Tata produces are bare minimum. India, which is there primary market where these cars are manufactured and developed for, neither has the same safety requirements as the rest of the world, nor does the Indian market demand such things at this moment of time. They develop the cars mainly for the Indian market and at their competitive levels.

Who is stupid enough to think they'll start stripping stuff out luxury cars developed for a completely different market?

Yes I agree they lack expertise in the luxury car market, but that is what they are buying? All this suggests they'll leave Jaguar & Land Rover to get on with things, helping out with finances and perhaps economies of scale in raw materials. Maybe take the Jaguar and Land Rover technology to their Indian car brand, Tata.

No company will want to go into a business venture without a purpose. If you look at TATA's history, they have been producing trucks for years now. They have been doing well overall in domestic and international market. This makes them cash rich.

Besides, TATA is also the world's Fifth largest steel producer after buying the UK's Corus Steel (formerly British Steel) for a whopping £6.7 billion, three times the maximum expected price for Jaguar and Land Rover. I think they will fund the deal just fine!

Don't underestimate TATA just because its a ''indian'' company. For example, if Nestle would buy Jaguar & Land Rover, doesn't that make any sense in buying it. They have NO expertise in automobiles at all.

Wake up everyone, get your facts right people. It might help if you visit the Tata website and look into their core businesses before jumping to conclusions.
lmao, well I'm an Economist / Designer / Photographer. I do buy/sell and hold alot of shares of international companies, a thing I do on the side. Im happy to say i have earned quite abit from it.
lmao, well I'm an Economist / Designer / Photographer. I do buy/sell and hold alot of shares of international companies, a thing I do on the side. Im happy to say i have earned quite abit from it.

:eek: I guess it all helps pay the inevitable big bills you get with Land Rover ownership then chap!!! :D
lmao, well in some ways. But my relationship with my local land rover dealer in dubai is on the rocks at the moment.:D
And there I was thinking it was exclusively UK main dealers that had poor customer relations.
And there I was thinking it was exclusively UK main dealers that had poor customer relations.

Trust me, I think the service it a hundred times better in the UK. If I take a picture and show you how many Range Rovers are lined up outside the LR service centre in dubai you ll be shocked. On average they sell between 40-60 land rovers ever month here in dubai. Currently my father's RR Supercharged is having air suspension problems, but the ''engineers'' at the service centre cant pinpoint the problem. Taking it 3 times. :mad:

When children turn 18 here they usually get cars worth more than 50,000 quid, depends on their wealth. Its a normal thing here lmao.
Yes thankfully. But my time and going back and forth to the service centre, is such a waste of my time and fuel.
Perhaps you should order one of those rugged, simple, reliable and tough little TATAs which have no air suspension!!!!:D :D :D
BoomerV8, i actually do own two Tata Sumo's back home in india. A toyota land cruiser and a honda crv too in india. Trust me, its a bumpy ride. But those tata cars take alot of beating on indian roads. The suspension can widthstand the potholes, sometimes 10 centimetres deep in length. No kidding.

They bought the Land Rover dealer ship in the country recently. Might get myself a defender in India too.
BoomerV8, i actually do own two Tata Sumo's back home in india. A toyota land cruiser and a honda crv too in india. Trust me, its a bumpy ride. But those tata cars take alot of beating on indian roads. The suspension can widthstand the potholes, sometimes 10 centimetres deep in length. No kidding.

They bought the Land Rover dealer ship in the country recently. Might get myself a defender in India too.

mrr84, I actually own two Land Rover products back here in deepest banjo country, one is a Discovery, one is a P38 Range Rover.
Both vehicles are V8s and were bought used and are maintained by myself.
Total purchase cost for both cars was around £5000!!
When I turned 18 I got around 50 quid and spent my birthday sowing part of the family farm with next years crop.
I have worked bloody hard for what I have as have alot of other people on this forum and am politely requesting that perhaps you should not be quite so brazen about yours or your familys wealth.
It would seem that they have worked hard for what they have got, but perhaps you are resting on their laurels and are the typical spoilt rich brat?
This will be my final reply to any further postings from you, you bore me:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
At 14, i started part time work with my dad and at 16 i was into full time photography. I went to uni at 18 and was working as well. When i turned 21 I bought myself a MB C320. I use to study and do alot of free lance photography. I paid for my benz with my own money, which at all wasnt easy. I dont know if you know but with free lance photography, i earned between 5000 - 7000 quid on a good month in dubai. I was recently one of the main photographers at the dubai motorshow, my pictures were all over magazines and newspapers in the dubai press.

Mate dont call me a reach spoilt brat and i have worked very hard to reach where Im now. At 15 my dad taught me how to buy and sell shares, i started off with 100 quid and worked my way up.

Im currently 23, i work in a media firm. Im in junior editor in a magazine called Autocar Middle East (based on Autocar UK). I have worked my way up the ladder. I do free lance photography and watching the local stock markets in online daily.

Oh yes I myself have ordered the defender, paid a deposit of 5000 quid and paying the rest off april 2008 with my OWN money.

So please dont tell that im sitting on my family wealth cause Im not. Im went out myself and found a job after I graduated from university. I have no intension to work in my family business. I have a couple of business plans in the coming years to setup.
At 14, i started part time work with my dad and at 16 i was into full time photography. I went to uni at 18 and was working as well. When i turned 21 I bought myself a MB C320. I use to study and do alot of free lance photography. I paid for my benz with my own money, which at all wasnt easy. I dont know if you know but with free lance photography, i earned between 5000 - 7000 quid on a good month in dubai. I was recently one of the main photographers at the dubai motorshow, my pictures were all over magazines and newspapers in the dubai press.

Mate dont call me a reach spoilt brat and i have worked very hard to reach where Im now. At 15 my dad taught me how to buy and sell shares, i started off with 100 quid and worked my way up.

Im currently 23, i work in a media firm. Im in junior editor in a magazine called Autocar Middle East (based on Autocar UK). I have worked my way up the ladder. I do free lance photography and watching the local stock markets in online daily.

Oh yes I myself have ordered the defender, paid a deposit of 5000 quid and paying the rest off april 2008 with my OWN money.

So please dont tell that im sitting on my family wealth cause Im not. Im went out myself and found a job after I graduated from university. I have no intension to work in my family business. I have a couple of business plans in the coming years to setup.

What has any of this crap got to do with the subject which was
Breakinn news TATA to buy Landrover/Jaguar!

If we stop winding the rich brat up maybe he'll go away or grow up.

What has Boomers post before that one got to do with it? If he brings it in to question then he should at least expect a reply.

In other news, I see they also have something to do with Fiat India. The animation is worth watching, their cars obviously have something special.

Fiat India
What has any of this crap got to do with the subject which was
Breakinn news TATA to buy Landrover/Jaguar!

If we stop winding the rich brat up maybe he'll go away or grow up.

you think that with all that money and a university edjercation he would have managed to find someone that could teach him how to spill.. intension..does that mean yer being pulled from both ends?
Whatever the reasons - (and I know Ford is actually a yank company) but we should all fight hard to keep LR BRITISH

Soon we will have NOTHING left in this contry that makes ANYTHING

Whatever happpened to the Proud to be British feeling that we once had, it's about time we started getting it BACK
What has any of this crap got to do with the subject which was
Breakinn news TATA to buy Landrover/Jaguar!

If we stop winding the rich brat up maybe he'll go away or grow up.


I appreciate that I went off on a tangent (and off on one in general), but perhaps have a look mrr84s' other postings on other subjects and you may or may not see why I felt justified in saying what I did.
My apologies to you CharlesY and to any others (barring mrr84) who may feel that I did not act in the spirit of the forum.

Anyway, back to the subject in hand: Has anyone heard any further news as to what's going to happen at Land Rover???? :confused:

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