
New Member
1987 Range Rover Classic
yesterday miles from home front brakes starting grinding / juddering
first thoughts are front disc pads worn out
not leaking fluid nor soft braking affected
only when you bring vehicle to an halt last few feet the grinding kicks in then when you pull away for a few seconds you can hear disc grinding then it clears till you need to use brakes
from past experience disc pads shot
discs arent scored as i drove it home 100 miles motorway avoiding using brakes
rear discs seem less used than front ie rear a bit rusty fronts shiny
any thoughts on what i tend to think is the answer ?
Have you looked at the wear on the pads? If your pots or pins are sticking, you could be prematurely wearing them.

Easy fix if you need to replace them.
due to shoulder its difficult to get under vehicle
front discs are shiny with some scoring whilst rears a little scored but almost rusty hence not been working id imagine or worn out
Can you pull the wheel to have a look? My guess is that they are bad, but it's best to see if there is something sticking.
Quite possibly the discs have a bit of a lip worn on the outer edges, and this is catching the backing plate of one of the pads. You would be best to measure the thickness of the discs with a micrometer or vernier gauge and check they haven't worn below minimum recommended thickness.

The front brakes work harder than the rears and tend to wear out sooner, its not at all unusual on most cars with discs all round to see the front discs looking cleaner than the rears due to this, especially if you don't do a lot of miles.
thanks for advice
looking up parts n prices and compatibility but confused by the word variants
mine is 1987 rr classic 3.5 litre efi but what variant
There's a website somewhere that you can put your VIN and get useful info - turned out my '94 registered is actually a '91 model.

Otherwise, go on a spares website and it will tell you what you need for your reg no. Brakes shouldn't offer too many complicated choices.

If you need new discs they are a bit of a pain to fit - you have to pull the half shafts first. I did it on my '89 and it was a bit of a game.
sourced suitable parts from Paddocks but need to find someone competent to fit in west sussex at an affordable price
lr independent dealer quoted 400 labour just to fit
It's not actually complicated as such - it's just that you have to take quite a bit apart. Any reasonably competent mechanic should be able to do it. £400 sounds a bit pricey to me.

Whilst it's apart it could be worth thinking about servicing the calipers - general clean up and new seals.

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