I have nearly the same problem ? I have just bought a 1973 series 3 petrol ( no servo fitted) The brakes are terrible I know drum brakes are not great but surely they never made brakes like these when it was new ? I haven't had time to look at it yet but I would appreciate some advice what to look at? The pedal feels OK? No fluid leaking as I done 120 mile round trip keeping the vehicle a mile between the one in front just in case . I can only imagine dodgy slave cylinder but would that not make the brakes spongy which they are not ? Handbrake fine has free wheeling hubs if that means anything would appreciate a PM for what to do many thanks all
I have nearly the same problem ? I have just bought a 1973 series 3 petrol ( no servo fitted) The brakes are terrible I know drum brakes are not great but surely they never made brakes like these when it was new ? I haven't had time to look at it yet but I would appreciate some advice what to look at? The pedal feels OK? No fluid leaking as I done 120 mile round trip keeping the vehicle a mile between the one in front just in case . I can only imagine dodgy slave cylinder but would that not make the brakes spongy which they are not ? Handbrake fine has free wheeling hubs if that means anything would appreciate a PM for what to do many thanks all sorry master cylinder problem not slave cylinder
It is difficult to diagnose what is, is not "bad brakes" at a distance so asking asking some questions.
How recent is the last MOT?
What size tires is it on?
Does it pull either left or right on brake application?
And can you do this test? Find a patch of gravel surface ground [some where quite] drive 15/20 mph and slam on the brakes hard. Get out and check skid marks that all wheels are locking up.
It is nice on this forum to give a rough location of where you are by the avatar, helps with diagnosing some things, and you did not say SWB or LWB truck.
There's nothing wrong with drum brakes if they are maintained properly. Where they fall down is tenancy to hold water after wading

Edit: i should add, they don't with heat so well as vented disc brakes, but that shouldn't be a problem on a landy
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Probably best to read the series 3 workshop manual, then you will be able to do all the maintenance tasks , but if this is urgent issue head straight to brake section

Start by removing front drums
Clean out dust without breathing in
Check for shoes with wear left on them
Wheel cylinder pistons that move in and out and not leaking
Springs on correctly compare with manual
Sometimes helps to clean shoes with some 180 sandpaper to remove any glazing
If you think they’re not making contact properly put some chalk marks across shoes every inch our so
Then put drum back on and adjust up
Short drive then check chalk marks
Repeat x 4
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