I have a 1983 series 3 what i have just bought, i thought i would change the brakes as they were poor so i ordered a brake overhaul kit from paddocks so new shoes, springs, adjusters, and cylinders got it all fitted saturday afternoon come to bleed them up with my easybleed kit as soon as i popped the pipe on my tyre the both back cylinders p****d fluid out from inside the drums, took the drums off to find both the cylinders leaking, have i done something wrong or are these faulty cylinders as im taking them back tomorow and dont want to look a fool
Not an expert in this field at all...but I have heard that pressure from fully inflated tyres is too high for easy-bleeds and should ideally use about 5psi?

As I said I'm no expert on brakes as I prefer to get them done by a professional mate of mine who uses a vacumn kit to draw fluid through, but pushing brake fluid through at 25-30psi seems to be very high, and if it cannot escape from the bleed nipple fast enough then I guess it will find the next weakest point to come out????

I'm sure some of the professionals on here will have a proper answer though.

I am also very wary of things like brake kits, as they tend to compile the cheapest parts available to make them attractive, For such important stuff I would reputable branded parts rather than those which arrive in boxes with blue and white labels on

I've always found Paddocks very helpful though and have never had any issue with refunds for faulty bits - just tell them they leaked when you bled them and you want replacements, or pay the difference and upgrade them if you can afford it
I would take a guess at faulty cylinders, what make was they?
Never tested the pressure in a brake system but would imagine when some one pulls out on you and you stamp on the peddle the pressure is as high if not higher than tyre pressure.
Sorry mate but I've got to ask. Are you certain that you rebuilt everything correctly?
The pressure from a tyre isn't enough to damage a cylinder but if you've allowed them to travel out too far then they'll leak.
Thought the easy bleed shouldn't be used over 8psi. Having said that, I thought it would be the easybleed kit that would leak not the cylinders. Sounds like they are faulty.
A few tens of PSI from a tyre _should not_ damage brake components, typical braking pressure can be up to a couple of thousand PSI. What it might do with an easy bleed is make it **** out of the crappy plastic bottle and the master cylinder cap.

Now, what the OP hasn't told us is....did you rebuild the brakes fully before doing this? You need to have everything _including the drums_ fully in place and tightened up. Otherwise, the pistons will just pop out of the cylinders....sounds stupid but I've managed it once in a moment of ****wittery
I got an easybleed kit and just got fluid ****ing out the seal to the master cylinder reservoir - so i've gone back to just using my foot on the pedal. seems to work most of the time
Turns out the britpart cylinders were faulty had a micrometer on them and the barels were oval
Lovely! Not tried these guys for Land Rover parts but they came good with some D-Series truck brake Girling cylinders in the past: Welcome to Past Parts

It might be worth passing them on to Trading Standards. It's annoying when some of the bits from blue boxes are a bit poor but when they're safety critical its just plain dangerous!

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