
Hi this relates to a 2015, Discovery Sport, 2.2 Hse Lux

Recently, my tailgate was replaced.. prior to this all tailgate opening methods were functioning as intended.

However, now they are not. It opens off the button on the key fob. However, after that the bootlid appears to not realise its open. When I press any of the methods that should close it, it tries to open more and beeps, rather than closing.

I usually have to manually close it.

I'm thinking the bootlid may need to be reset or 'relearned'..

I'm getting B124EE error code although it doesn't pinpoint what is at fault

Does anyone have any suggestions please? Low battery is not an issue, I have checked this

TIA, James
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Presume you have self closing tailgate with powered struts ? These have anti trap feature to reduce accidents.
I'm guessing they are sensing an obstruction and reopening for safety.
Few things to check, make sure the tailgate seal is correctly fitted with no bulges or overlap.
Open the tailgate on the button and lift it up all the way giving a little push up at the end, and then again push it down by hand.
Don't force it either way but even pressure should guide it up/down.
Once in the closed position you should notice the cinch motor pull it in the last few Cm.
If this does not happen or tailgate still does not open you need to check connections inside the panel.

If your tailgate is not powered, then I just wasted my time ! 😂
I need to check the tailgate seal.

The cinch motor does pull it in the last few cm.

I'm suspecting some connections are not 100%.
When u say inside the panel, do u mean I should remove the bootlid door card? If so, what's the best way to do this please?
The panel on the Sport is held in place by a series of trim clips. Use a plastic wedge or trim tool to lift one corner, then work your way around carefully popping each on out, I think there are ten. You will need to disconnect the close button when you have access behind, beware of accidently pressing this, as it may start to close on you. Then there are the two lights, you can either disconnect these or turn them so they go through the holes.
Once in there check all connections are secure and clean. Pay particular attention to the stuts a small square connector on each side and the anti-trap sensor connections which are green and quite small on each outer edge, not sure if you have to move the anti-trap to see these.
Then check around the motor, again check connections and also the cable from motor to latch.
Power comes from the rear fuse box via a connector under the headliner, earth is on the tailgate.
But as you have some function these are unlikely to be suspect.
Before you venture inside, double check the seal and tailgate fit. 3 beeps = an obstruction.
Main points are anti trap clear and both struts are connected.
Good luck
Many thanks @Shedload
Is this anything of relevance?

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