hi all, just saying hello, probably in the wrong place but hey ho, so hi

Darn , another newbie, Saying Hi in the "introduce yourself" section,, what is the world coming too?


Welcome to the Looneyzone @O.M.G , do not be shy , tell us what you got?

Okay peeps, still not sure if this is in the correct place but here goes. Yes we purchased a Freelander 2014, £23K from a well known dealer in London, it was advertised with very good mileage on the clock, as we drove away I notice it had around a third more miles on it than advertised, fortunately I had taken lots of photos of the car on the forecourt, I’d also kept the online document from car buyers, we where on our way on holiday the day we picked it up so I couldn’t take it back, I then spent the next four weeks arguing with the dealer, they also said it had received a major service pre collection, however the steering fluid was beloŵ the minimum level, this made the whole purchase really miserable, eventually they gave us a £1,000 back as a gesture. I’m not going to name the dealer in question but as I said big dealer South of the river. We brought the car in Aug, we traded it in at a fantastic Land Rover dealership in Christ Church, by Weymouth in November, this was a completely different experience, talk about professional, Christ Church Land Rover, absolutely brilliant. The original deal £12K for our car on £23K, £11K cash, traded it in received £15K on a car that cost £34K, I’ll let you work out the loses. Lesson learned, never buy a car from some one you have doubts about, some where in my head a little voice was saying ? And I never listened. We now have a 2014 Discovery 4, fabbbuuuullllaaaaaassssss
Welcome!!! When I seen Freelander mentioned I went OMG
But I skim read it and seen disco at the bottom
Very welcome now!!
To many of them pretendy hairdressers landrovers!
Proper man's machine a disco
Welcome!!! When I seen Freelander mentioned I went OMG
But I skim read it and seen disco at the bottom
Very welcome now!!
To many of them pretendy hairdressers landrovers!
Proper man's machine a disco
Thanks for that, I’m certainly much happier, although I’m sure you might have a few more comments following Re freelancers and hairdressers. Absolutely love the disco, can’t stop cleaning it and sitting in it, I’ve only had it since Nov and we’ve already done above 6K of very pleasant driving across Europe, here’s to the 6K hoping it’s going to be as good.
8K then.

Yep, that’s about what we lost on the deal, wished we’d gone to Christchurch in the first place, but, I guess it’s only money, you can’t take it with you, even so we can’t afford to lose it, I might have to return to work
Forgot to that the very sad people (politely put because i really would like to call them other names but it’s not allowed) so sad people it is. Gripe over, all done and dusted, on a positive note I wouldn’t have known the difference between the two cars had I not made the mistake in the first place, so all in all I recon I’m the winner, if they’d played there cards right I would have gone back and spent more money with them, as it is, I’ve just made the Landi world aware that big Landi dealer South of the London river are probably not to be trusted with my hard earned cash. I’ll never darken their doors again, and neither will my family or any one that has the good fortune to read this hopefully lesson learned. Based on the fact that my children both drive Landrovers and im probably going to purchase lots of Landi goods they are the losers. Bon chance
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Forgot to that the very sad people (politely put because i really would like to call them other names but it’s not allowed) so sad people it is. Gripe over, all done and dusted, on a positive note I wouldn’t have known the difference between the two cars had I not made the mistake in the first place, so all in all I recon I’m the winner, if they’d played there cards right I would have gone back and spent more money with them, as it is, I’ve just made the Landi world aware that big Landi dealer South West of the London river are probably not to be trusted with my hard earned cash. I’ll never darken their doors again, and neither will my family or any one that has the good fortune to read this hopefully lesson learned. Based on the fact that my children both drive Landrovers and im probably going to purchase lots of Landi goods they are the losers. Bon chance

hi and welcome to the asylum

good to hear at the end of the day it got resolved, well sort of, lol

i’m a D3 owner myself and are u aware ref the keyless key issues, ie with them getting nicked , don’t wish to put a damper on it but just a heads up, always best to get a tracker on it, use a faraday pouch for the key and also found this a little while ago ref the keyless entry


indeed i upgraded to a D3, best thing i ever did and sooooo nice to drive, also bought a iid diagnostic by gap which will pay for itself very quickly , alas take abit more looking after

did u get a warrenty in the end for ur disco

any piccies please of the disco

also if u haven’t seen it there’s a disco section


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