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Would you believe it took my L322 2002 Range Rover for it's MOT - passed with flying colours. 10 mins down the road it started revving it's wot nots off and going nowhere. Sat for 2 and half hours in 30 degree heat for recovery got them to take me home. Can someone help with what to do next - think gear box is shot.....?. Many thanks
I can't honestly say that I have had any signs of the gearbox failing. I've worked in the motor trade all my life and whereas I'n not a mechanic I am good at spotting problems before anyone else. Do you think it could be something else then? I can't afford to take it to a dealer a I know they will cost me a fortune......I have a captive mechanic (not literal) who can sort it if I have a rough idea of what is wrong. Thanks for your reply!
Right I'll tell you exactly....driving along perfectly fine, got to a junction, went to pull off nothing...revved the engine moved off fine...5 mins down the road stated revving more than speed....eventually it was revving it's proverbials off and not moving. Checked all the fuses, disconected the battery and I have a re-set tool which detected no faults. Can't say I heard or felt a bang? Thanks
could have gearbox overheat due to weather maybe needs a check on oil/filters & gearbox cooler/radiator change due to possible blockage,you might be lucky,follow saint v8s thread on gearbox oil change,good luck hope its a easy fix for you
Since there was no indication of the box being faulty, I'm wondering if it could have been low on ATF, would that be a cause?
Yep could be an overheat

I know it will make the engine rev more to try and aid cooling

Does the sophisticated range rover not have a low oil warning for the gearbox ATF ?
When they say sealed for life, BMW/JLR decided that they would make the gearbox maintenance free. This lead to dirty oil causing grief. When the gearbox dies the clutches in the box cannot make enough friction to get movement as they have been worn away by chunks of metal and grunge. Eventually they box has enough and can no longer engage gear.

The simple test is drop the oil out of the gearbox, if you see lots of filthy oil and metal swarf, your gearbox is kaput. You'll need somewhere in the region of £3,000 to replace it.

I imagine your gearbox has been running the same oil since 2002 which is why they fail. JLR revised the maintenance schedule to make gearboxes serviceable items but few ever get the gearbox oil and filter changed. Some do but far too late and the damage is already done. TD6 L322s have a ticking time bomb where the gearbox lives. It will be the reason many early examples get turned into baked bean cans.
Would you believe it took my L322 2002 Range Rover for it's MOT - passed with flying colours. 10 mins down the road it started revving it's wot nots off and going nowhere. Sat for 2 and half hours in 30 degree heat for recovery got them to take me home. Can someone help with what to do next - think gear box is shot.....?. Many thanks

First how many miles on it, and next have you every serviced it and when was the last time you checked fluid level?
Yep could be an overheat

I know it will make the engine rev more to try and aid cooling

Does the sophisticated range rover not have a low oil warning for the gearbox ATF ?

only over heat if engine over heats.no fluid no go, no fluid you got nothing to cool
Look I don't know what half these things mean....I joined this website for help, you have to realise that everyone isn't as up to speed as you are on the vehicle. I'm trying really hard to mend my car - I can't afford to send it to a dealer - I just want it to run so I can pick my kids up from school. Can someone please speak blonde to me........
You can't really DIY on these cars unless you have an idea about them

It could end up costing more in the long run

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