can we have this thread moved to anything goes.... please

NO these Posh fooker need some things good on there site, instead of my RF tuner on my GPS this or my CC that, all they talk about is there BUTLER OR BOY FRIENDS and teccy stuff :rolleyes:
oil dipstick on the gearbox ??? nope :D

Sshhh, deliberate mistake to see if she picks up on it. She has a Degree you know, so must be really clever. Perhaps not, she is in management:D and her grammar is not that good either (a honours degree, should read an Honours Degree). In fact, she speaks emphatically with ignorance :p
Sshhh, deliberate mistake to see if she picks up on it. She has a Degree you know, so must be really clever. Perhaps not, she is in management:D and her grammar is not that good either (a honours degree, should read an Honours Degree). In fact, she speaks emphatically with ignorance :p

maybe the professor fooled her with the sheep skin, for favors
i cant believe how some folks just wander into a place and demand things??? and then get all nasty when they dont understand the replies.
Perhaps we should all wander into your restaurant and do the same thing Karen
Its better than yours... your gearbox is fooked



i cant believe how some folks just wander into a place and demand things??? and then get all nasty when they dont understand the replies.
Perhaps we should all wander into your restaurant and do the same thing Karen

I can see why she can't afford to fix her RR though. She had to close down her restaurant. Poor thing, having to slum it with the peasants. :D

Thanks to Bix for the heads up :D

It is a service we provide.
I can see why she can't afford to fix her RR though. She had to close down her restaurant. Poor thing, having to slum it with the peasants. :D

It is a service we provide.

I can see why, that type of attitude can't be good for customer relations :)

Never looked in the Range Rover section before, this is better than AG
i cant believe how some folks just wander into a place and demand things??? and then get all nasty when they dont understand the replies.
Perhaps we should all wander into your restaurant and do the same thing Karen

Ere how do u know she has a restaurant :confused:

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