jim cummings

New Member
Ok I am surprised to be having to ask how to bleed the breaks on my 92 disco 1. I have bleed many car brakes before with no problems. I have just replaced the front brake hoses and one fixed line to the master cylinder. I then topped up master cylinder and went to bleed brakes, allthough i didnt think they would need it i blead the back brakes, fluid came through almost immediatly. Then started on the front, first thing I noticed was 3 blead nipples...interesting.... but not be put off I blead each nipple till fluid came through with no air. There did not seam to be much pressure on the outside nipple??? but some fluid never the less. So then set about doing a road test, pedal to the floor, and brakes just about functioning, any ideas? Suspect poor work on my bleed effort, do the calipers have any qwerks related to the 3 nipples?

Thanks in advance for any tips, I would really like to be able to stop again with the pedal as its a long way to the road to drag your feet! Thanks Jim
My RRC had 3 nipples and before the days of ABS... bleed as the book states the two rear first as a pair then the front one on it's own. As aways on a D1 bleeding of the system starts with the longest pipe first so that's n/s rear.
Discool, I did read that in the book. Maybe you can clarify for me, does it mean, the two rear (towards back of car), or the two rear (two innermost towards engine) should be blead together.

Also you wouldnt happen to know which hoses go to which lines. I thaught I copied the orriginal but am now sceptic as the brakes are so bad. I could do with a description ie bottom hose to front line for example. Cheers Jim
there are two parts to master cylinder the rear part and front part ,normally now rear part nearest servo operates front brakes ,and front part operates rear ,on yours rear is operated by front but so is one line to each front ,the rear part near servo operating other line to front ,the two hose on each side are rear from master cylinder to rear most on inner wing to bottom on caliper bracket ,front master cylinder (same circuit as back brakes) front position inner wing and top on caliper bracket, only bleed one nipple at a time, bleed rears and front on rear circuit then those on front circuit
Hi James martin thanks for the excellent response, which nipples on front caliper corrispond with which hose (circuit). I see where the pipes go in but how dies this relate to the nipples?
cant remember which way round but top nipple should do top pistons other 2 bottom ,you would have to try by pushing cylinders back with nipple open to be sure
Thankyou so much to everyone that contributed to this thread. I appreciate your help, and it really helps keep my old vehicle running. It turned out in the end I wasnt going mad as when a mate came round we re bled the entire system and it worked fine. I think when I bled it before there might have been a bit of miss communacation between me and my brake operater (err indoors).... problem solved now anyways and thanks again!

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