If all the nipples are rounded chances are the brake cylinders will need re furbishing as well....as obviously no one has bled the system for ages!! Your best bet is to remove brake cylinders and then, with them in a vice its nice and easy to get at them to have real go at the nipples. I have used heat and it does work but you will then have to fit new seals etc.

As has also been said these are your brakes...never great on a Landie at the best of times so if they lose efficiency you are really buggered! BIte the bullet and have the system torn down and re build it.
If all the nipples are rounded chances are the brake cylinders will need re furbishing as well....as obviously no one has bled the system for ages!! Your best bet is to remove brake cylinders and then, with them in a vice its nice and easy to get at them to have real go at the nipples. I have used heat and it does work but you will then have to fit new seals etc.

As has also been said these are your brakes...never great on a Landie at the best of times so if they lose efficiency you are really buggered! BIte the bullet and have the system torn down and re build it.

Next time you heat em up take the pistons out first, stuff a wet rag into them and away you go
Is that why, in your own words "i.e. the brakes on this are old drum brakes and need a pump of the brake pedal a couple of times before they kick in" ?
hypothermia. Is that contagio contageou, conttagi.
Is that catching? Think I had it once but doctor gave me soem auntybitotics or summit. Fine now - apart form my twitches n stuff
i had the same problem so what i did was replaced it all from flexis down two new brake pipes each side and two cylinders each side side and new shoes then got very angery trying to bleed it up and now have mint brakes like some one said you shouldnt skimp on them.

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