
Active Member
OKay I've got myself a nice little ex MOD 110 was chatting about it and a mate has told me about another one, his boss has it sat in a outbuilding with feed in the back so i'm tempted but will probably need a lot of work sooo

Would it be blasphemy to modify an ex military til it looks like tomb raider on steroids?

Somebody posted this picture, take away the gun mount, give it a set of 35's and a 4 inch lift, paint it
yellow with cartoon 'nose art' on the doors and you get the sort of thing i'm thinking / laughing about
I must admit that I do like the split screen on that, very useful for when you've forgotten to fasten your seat belt and don't want to damage anything when you get thrown out the front
The beauty of owning a Defender is you can do what you want and nobody will bat an eye lid (apart from the purists) :)

+1 that's half the fun of a landy, of course you need a few concours originals but in the main its up to the individual to do what they want with their truck. it would be really boring if they were all as they left the factory.

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