
New Member
I don't want to start an Android v iPhone v Blackberry argument, so this is targetted at just those using (or who have used) the Blackberry Z10 ;)

I'm thinking of getting one of these - have you come across any serious issues with yours? What is the phone signal retention like - many dropped calls etc? How about phone lockups? Support for apps? Would you recommend it or do you regret your purchase?

Thanks! :5bcheers2:
Not had one myself but my girlfriend has had a few and all suffered the same thing, they just start crashing, doesn't respond to call answer button, freezes when typing a message, won't unlock etc. All you can do is pop the battery out and restart it, which with a BB takes a long time. BB support aren't much use, only option seems to buy a new one. They seem decent enough phones when they work though but keys are tiny.
I have this very phone and so far so good! Its a sod to set your emails up but that mite of been my email provider. Signal, battery life and camera all very good. Its pretty fast on the net (3g enabled) and quick at opening/running apps. Occasionally freezes and needs the battery removing but other than that its a good phone :cool:
I have had a Z10 since March when they were released by BlackBerry.
I use it on Vodafone in the UK.
It is THE BEST phone on the market for actually keeping in touch with people.
I have never had a dropped call, BlackBerry Messenger is instant and even LandyZone works easily.
It can also play Flash stuff.

I haven't rebooted it in months.
It never hangs or freezes.
I do have a larger fat battery in it and get 48 hours out of it before having the find the charger.

This is a Blackberry 10 device. Nothing like the older BB operating systems. Pulling the battery out is never required.

Apps? How many do you want and what sort?
It can use almost all the Android apps so it's sorted.

It's just brilliant.
Can this be moved to AG's? so i can tell the OP he should get an iPhone because blackberrys are ****. :D
Having asked a few peeps with later blackberry models for advice, the overall feedback was that they wouldn't have anything else! So I finally got one today, a Z10. I've been playing with it since getting home and while it is quite different to android I'm liking it lots :) I hope I keep feeling this way as its a 2 year contract lol (but only £16.99/mth !)

Thanks for the replies everyone, much appreciated.

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