show me a decent phone that takes abuse? My old e71 was the nuts strong tough and did everything i asked of it.this touch one isnt bad tough though it been dropped so many times its been kicked and i found it in the passengers footwell caked in mud about to fall out on our last rescue mission. an i phone woulda had a fit closed all apps and told me my songs have failed to import well before its taken that abuse. The LR phone is a farce and others have no reliable net connection so i'm tempted with a blackberry but hey I like my Nokia's
i use a Samsung Galaxy S to access site and have no problems at all. Although it would be good if there was some sort of android/iphone app as well that would enable us to read pms and replies to our posts without having to log on to main site while out and about.
The actual site itself is great and doesnt need changing
I'm not bothered if there is or isn't an app anytime soon
Just wanted to say (and I hate apple I own no other apple devices and never will i hope but) the iphone is tougher than most people think, unless you worried about it getting scuffed and not looking pretty, anthing else is a shadow in comparison. if you need a tough phone get a samsung M-110 even i could break it and i drove over it in my disco (don't ask) and use a Mac book Air.. It's what Steve Jobs would want you to do!

and why are we talking phones
WTF is all this tappatalk **** about?

I downloaded the app on my iohone, but Ive no idea what it is. Does it just enable you to keep track of all your posts made in different forums?

I think im slowly reaching the age where I sart to reject new technology
WTF is all this tappatalk **** about?

I downloaded the app on my iohone, but Ive no idea what it is. Does it just enable you to keep track of all your posts made in different forums?

I think im slowly reaching the age where I sart to reject new technology

Tapatalk allows you to bring all your forums to one place - it then displays them much better for phone use and allows easy upload of pictures to the forums. It's really a his app and if you use your phone for this stuff makes it a lot easier
Tapatalk is great for accessing the site from my phone. Much easier than using the main site, makes it more phone friendly.
as mentioned, iphones are stronger than you think, my mate has one that he has dropped kicked and all sorts, there are big pieces of the front missing with capacitors hangin out of it! still works spot on tho!
my Iphone seems to work fine on LZ. Cant post pics, but that aint a major problem. just post to fotobuckit & link.
as mentioned, iphones are stronger than you think, my mate has one that he has dropped kicked and all sorts, there are big pieces of the front missing with capacitors hangin out of it! still works spot on tho!

Just buy a flip front case for an iPhone that way it's protected an all sides - mine works well.