
New Member
The black trim around the side windows/doors on my P38 has become badly marked (as seems to be the case on a lot of older P38's). Has anyone found a good treatment to bring them back up to scratch.
you could buy some material the same as the roof colour then spray glue it on, as long as the glue dosent come through the material its going to look good. :)
you could buy some material the same as the roof colour then spray glue it on, as long as the glue dosent come through the material its going to look good. :)

A Range with fur on the window trims :eek::eek:

Another pimp-mobile then! :hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi
I use Autogylm Bumber care. It works very well although it you need to do it every couple of months or its fades away.

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