
New Member
Hi guys, theres a place near me selling Bio diesel for 85p a litre should I start using it for my 2.5tdi ? I know its a pain buying jerry cans and all but is it worth the risk? will it run ok? thanks for your input.
It will be fine - you will notice an improvement in performance and a nice smell to boot!
and change your fuel filter after the first 1k miles coz it'll clean a lot of crap out of your fuel lines.
need more info, name of street, garage location ????

i need to fill up !!!!!! :D

1.37 at the pump :eek:
Can this be used on a 300tdi.

I have only had Discoveries for about three months. My first was a 200 tdi, and i ran it on diesel/veg oil mix. But have been told that you cannot run 330's like this. Will bio fuel run my 300
Can this be used on a 300tdi.

I have only had Discoveries for about three months. My first was a 200 tdi, and i ran it on diesel/veg oil mix. But have been told that you cannot run 330's like this. Will bio fuel run my 300
yes it'll be fine in a 300

what's a 330:confused:
Just check what this fuel actually is.

Is it described as biofuel (veg oil blended with solvents) or proper BS/EN compliant B100 biodiesel.

If biodiesel, i'd suggest you at least do a check for soap still in it.
this is easy, and the supplier should be happy to demonstrate to you.

Basically take a bottle half full of water, and add some bio to it. When you shake it (fairly vigourously) the water should settle to the bottom, with the bio floating on top.

If bio is soap free, the water will stay basically clear(or very slightly cloudy). If the water goes milky or very cloudy, walk away. Not good bioD.

300TDI good for running on either veg/diesel blends or biodiesel though - they are pretty tough.

Also check that the seller is legally selling, and has included fuel/VAT taxes, otherwise you could get in lumber with HMRC. They can repossess your Landy/other worldly goods until you pay what they think you owe them.

Just check what this fuel actually is.

Also check that the seller is legally selling, and has included fuel/VAT taxes, otherwise you could get in lumber with HMRC. They can repossess your Landy/other worldly goods until you pay what they think you owe them.


How would they ever know??? :)
Just got my first half tank full this week. The guy comes to my house in his transit that carries the deisel and uses an electric pump to pump it. Convenient and green. Well pleased so far. Fingers crossed!! :D

Free delivery too and will come same day that I send him a request. It is £1 per litre but loads better than the local station at £1.35!!!
Just got my first half tank full this week. The guy comes to my house in his transit that carries the deisel and uses an electric pump to pump it. Convenient and green. Well pleased so far. Fingers crossed!! :D

Free delivery too and will come same day that I send him a request. It is £1 per litre but loads better than the local station at £1.35!!!
is he irish by anychance:p
I thought the law was if you'd used over 2500 litres a year you had to declare it or something? This hmrc/wvo stuff confuses the hell outta me
Sounds like the same fella that pumped 500 litres of diesel out of my lorry.........into his transit van! "b##tards!"
If you are using bio (or any other alternative fuel) thats not duty paid, you are required by law to record how much you use.

In the (unlikely) event that you are randomly dipped, you will need to prove that you haven't used over 2500 litres in a year. If you can't prove it, HMRC could assume that all your yearly mileage has been done on bio, and calculate duty owed based on your car records (MOT/insurance etc).

I've run on b100 in summer, also used to run 50/50 veg oil diesel mix. These last few months I've been running normal diesel mainly because I cant find anyone who sells bio in doncaster

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