If you are using bio (or any other alternative fuel) thats not duty paid, you are required by law to record how much you use.

In the (unlikely) event that you are randomly dipped, you will need to prove that you haven't used over 2500 litres in a year. If you can't prove it, HMRC could assume that all your yearly mileage has been done on bio, and calculate duty owed based on your car records (MOT/insurance etc).


Luckily enough I do about 10000 miles per year. At 25mpg thats just under 1800litres! I will never have to pay!! Ha ha!! :D
Thats fine then.

The only other problem is that the supplier is liable for duty & VAT on every litre he/she sells, as this is classed as commercial production (ie not within 2500 litres personal use exemption).

Hi a couple of things to add if I can :-

The 2500 ltrs per year limit is for home producers and that is the max you are allowed to make in any rolling 12 month period.

If you buy if from a supplier make sure you get a receipt stating that fuel tax paid,If you cant prove it and the supplier says he sold it to you as heating fuel only then its you who is prosecuted.

If it is a new supplier always do a soap test 50% Bio + 50% De/ironised water shake and wait to make sure the water is clear.
Hi a couple of things to add if I can :-

The 2500 ltrs per year limit is for home producers and that is the max you are allowed to make in any rolling 12 month period.

If you buy if from a supplier make sure you get a receipt stating that fuel tax paid,If you cant prove it and the supplier says he sold it to you as heating fuel only then its you who is prosecuted.

If it is a new supplier always do a soap test 50% Bio + 50% De/ironised water shake and wait to make sure the water is clear.

Very good advice above.

just put bio in my freelander td4 2 hours ago, had arun around and all seems fine also seems to run quieter but mine cost £1 03p a litre but still happier motoring eh?

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