Good to see you G and little miss...nice to meet you storm, hope the ka held up !
Just packed up camp and waiting for the swimmers to return from the pool.
Didn't get me winch...but got a hi lift :) defo back next year...still a few more left this year though !

On Friday night our son got lost for an hour...police involved and many others...I'd like to thank the security and police who helped find him as we were beside ourselves...and also thankyou to all the other campers who joined in the search...a little boy very happy to see his parents and vice versa.

Good to see you G and little miss...nice to meet you storm, hope the ka held up !
Just packed up camp and waiting for the swimmers to return from the pool.
Didn't get me winch...but got a hi lift :) defo back next year...still a few more left this year though !

On Friday night our son got lost for an hour...police involved and many others...I'd like to thank the security and police who helped find him as we were beside ourselves...and also thankyou to all the other campers who joined in the search...a little boy very happy to see his parents and vice versa.

sorry nice too meet you too :) , nice to no that the security there are helpfull :)
I went today, shame I didnt read this before I went! Yep I can understand getting lost, I got completely lost on my way back to the car park...every caravan looked the same!

Anyone go to the off road course? To be honest, I was a bit disappointed, the LRO show in Driffield's course took about 1.5 hrs to drive, which was well worth the money, but I got round todays in about 30-40mins :( and no mud on the bonnet :(:(
what does everyone think about gettign an LZ forum group together and getting a site together for next year?
Excellent not get one to near the Landowners site though cause Halfaquid will be there with his miserable mates
i am gonna have a shower then pm accy and roy to ask for permission to use the forum name as a group name for booking the plot (or trying to lol)
Evening...back in sunny denmark! Good to see a massive contingent from lz at Billing!!!

Cheers G-Man..burd..Mr Foss..and burd..I kidnapped your boy and taught him danish swear-words!

Got the gear i needed..will stay 3 days next year and then do the Bulgaria run..

Good to put faces to names...and i need new trainers after a yomp in a field!
nice to see you finally storm99 why do yer need new trainers? was only a little bit of mud what do you expect its a landrover show lol ( why do you think i was wearing army assault boots?)
nice to see you finally storm99 why do yer need new trainers? was only a little bit of mud what do you expect its a landrover show lol ( why do you think i was wearing army assault boots?)

The trainers are to run away when i meet terrorists...and you wear boots cos you have to kick your own arse to fix your landy i'd imagine...cut, cut..weld, weld, paint, paint..:D
what does everyone think about gettign an LZ forum group together and getting a site together for next year?

Sounds excellent...

Sorry I missed your call in the afternoon dude, the boy was off on the mini golf :rolleyes:
aye i agree foss, no response yet guess accy int been on or dunt want to know lol

ah well the planning shall go ahead just ot may not be called the LZ forum group lol
i think we should all just turn up next year & pitch next to the Camel owners club or summat...and we can sell stickers!

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