I had a good look at fitting the wheels last night and have decided not to fit them.

I have had several disscussions with people and as it is my everyday motor they could cause more problems than I want. Also my disco is pretty much rot free and in great condition so I don't want to go chopping the arches out.

It would look fantastic but its not practical for me. So I am selling the buggers on. Which won't be hard as I already have one offer at the price I paid for them.

Thanks for all the advice
Quite understandble. Chopping great lumps out of th cr is quite a step particularly if it's in good nick.

You should get away with 265/75 though with just the lift but if it's your everyday drive then standard is the way to go. After all, LR spend a huge amount of money to get to he basic setup.

Out of curiosity, what sort of money are you looking to get back on them?
Quite understandble. Chopping great lumps out of th cr is quite a step particularly if it's in good nick.

You should get away with 265/75 though with just the lift but if it's your everyday drive then standard is the way to go. After all, LR spend a huge amount of money to get to he basic setup.

Out of curiosity, what sort of money are you looking to get back on them?

I paid £240 which I thought was a bit of a bargain and have given someone first offer on that price, he was very keen a couple of days ago for me to make my mind up and let him take them off my hands.
I forgot to post a pic of how they looked


Great but too tight a fit without getting the grinder out!!

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