Seems to have been welded before. Though it looks like they didn't do any rust preventative !!!!![/QUOTE]
so often the case with 'professional' jobs. pathetic eh. i had two jobs done by panelbeaters and saw no long term protection done . so disgusting, they are like vermin shooters who leave a few behind on purpose to breed up so they have a job next year. DIY is the only answer unless you are a millionaire.
And it was going so well........

Stubby on.

Brake disc on.
Both bearings on.
Oil seals on.


Half shaft on.

Brake calliper - nil points.

It appears the brake callipers I bought and painted are the wrong ones !!
Bolt holes too small !!!!
Fekkitty fek fek fek !!!!!!
Proper callipers bought and blinged up........well left one anyway !!!! ..... waiting to dry.

Front hub and ball off. ........ kin messy job.

Now then....

I replaced the ball about 5 years ago and because it’s been standing for about 3 there’s some (not a great deal) of pitting on it. Do you think it’ll be alright to give it a rub to get rid of it or am I wasting my time.
Another reason for the ask is that when I was at bearmach getting my callipers, there was a bloke trying to buy the balls and they told him they didn’t have any and are in very short supply everywhere !!!

Working the next two weeks or so, so will spend any spare time cleaning the bits I just took off.
I replaced the ball about 5 years ago and because it’s been standing for about 3 there’s some (not a great deal) of pitting on it. Do you think it’ll be alright to give it a rub to get rid of it or am I wasting my time.
Another reason for the ask is that when I was at bearmach getting my callipers, there was a bloke trying to buy the balls and they told him they didn’t have any and are in very short supply everywhere !!!

Working the next two weeks or so, so will spend any spare time cleaning the bits I just took off.

Did you not grease your balls before putting them away :D

Depends on the pitting but should be fine, I did see a guy on a forum years ago who had his balls media blasted and then epoxy dipped them, considering the strength and impact resistance of epoxy they should have stood up quite well.
Bit more cutting ......



On the CAD and a few bashes in the vice later



Not perfect but it’ll do me. Once welded and cleaned up, shouldn’t look too bad.

Hope it’s fine tomorrow.

Should I get a new window seal ?
The old one is full of rust.
I'd buy a new seal, purely to lessen the risk of water Píssing in once she's together! :confused::D

Looks great! :)
Ohh I’ve done that repair. Twice lol. I didn’t buy new but coated the whole thing in puraflex then laid the seal ontop. Like Henry said though, be less likely to leak I bet with a new’ in. I brushed mine with a tooth brush and stick the tip of the little 3 in one tin the whole way around, soaking the inner of it.
Fookin 'ell, you must have the same luck as me, misery loves company they say :)

Nifty little plates though, although after seeing the repair from @resto_d1 I decided that the alpines will disappear if I get rot there, they're nice but I've gone way beyond stock so removing them won't be a big deal and it'll be less glass for me to worry about breaking lol.
I’ve just seen the price of new seals !!!! :eek:

Thinks I’ll do what Resto done and glue the buggers in.

Pretty insane prices hey, same when I had a look to see how much the wheel tubs are and they are up at £130 now, either there is a lot of people buying or supplies are drying up?

What are you going to do when you have finished welding it up? You gonna drive it or buy another rot box to keep you occupied :)
I’m keeping it. We got it so we could chuck our bikes in the back and bugger off for cycling hols.

Im doing it up outside my mums........I don’t think I’ll be allowed to do another one !!!!
Awesome thread just spent last few evenings reading this and have the same to do to my recently bought d1 with the added extra that half the middle row floor has rotted away also
Hi Scottish, They do test us, don’t they ?

First bit welded in before lunch.
Bugger to do.....windy, blowing holes, turn it down, not hot enough, turn it up, etc etc etc.

Oh yes just a little I’m just up the road from you in Ammanford doing it at home which is on top of the mountain so weather is going to be an interesting factor may have to kick the horses out the barn some days I think or pull my finger out and build the workshop first handy thing is this isn’t my first restoration done my series 3 stage one v8 a few years ago so pretty handy with a welder
Zed by the looks of it yes have a friend in town with a few defenders and 2 discos and another friend with a series 3 with defender front end too

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