thanks for the tip colingo. i'll have another practice before the next patches are fitted.
Professional kit for putting bend in floor patch .... Lol

All patches made and cleaned ready for welding tomorrow , if it dint rain !!!

The boat shaped one will need Fetteling once the others are in.
Have you tryed making your repair plates 5 to 10 mm bigger all round, by doing this is will make welding so much easier. when you butt weld 2 pieces together you can only weld a short distance before the heat builds up and you burn through. By making the repait plate larger you can now weld on the flat surface of the repair plate and just catch the edge of the original structure and you with have so much more control over the weld.
The reason your welds are so proud is that in order to butt weld your having to produce a cold weld if that makes sense. The ideal weld looks the same either side, Learning to weld on the job is difficult but learning to weld thin material verticaly is a nightmare. I admire what your doing and you must have a huge sense of acheivement.
I do agree with colin i am a novice welder and got told to overlap and ive always done it that way.
Today I have been mostly ...... Welding.

Got all 3 pieces in. I've left the welding of the lower pillar as I'm replacing the lower A post.

A post arrived from yrm today ,, most impressed with quality.

Thanks for the welding tips guys. I know the overlap welding is a bit easier, but Im not very bendable and would have difficulty in getting to the 'other side' in some instances.

I'll persevere with the butt welding for now, and hope it improves. !!!! Lol

I have actually altered the settings to a bit hotter and slightly slower speed. This seems to have improved things a bit .
Keep up the good work mate. Its good to see and your learning as you go which is good.
Arse, arse , arse , fekkin arse.

So I thought I'd get on the floor to clean up outside weldy bits before priming and gave the sills a looksee to get some idea of what I need to do next.


There's brown rusty stains between inner and outer sills. Not too bad. I think a good wire brushing and fertan will probably do.


Looking at the chassis I noticed some of it was de-laminating. So I had a poke and scrape with my finger and pulled a huge piece off. Got the wire brush on it and managed to poke a few finger holes through . :(

At places I'm unable to get at to weld :(

A good visual inspection and there appears to be loads of chassis falling off. I got the wire brush on parts and found two more holes.

A bit miffed now. :(

So I think before I progress further , it's going to be a wire brush and flappy disk and hammer of the chassis from front to back and see if it's worth progressing or scrap it . :(
Yeah, I'll see how bad it is next week :(

If it's confined to just that one bit or so, I'll carry on and take it to a garage to get plated once ive finished everything.
The bit you cant access where is it.can the floor be cut to get to it and playe chassis then refit floor
Sorry to hear that ,was at the same stage with mine last week ,did all the welding to the front only to find to rear cross member and parts of the chassis to be shot

Everythings repairable but it comes down to how much time and money you want to put in

I decided to put the welder away !
It can be got at from underneath, but I'm not physically able to do it, and if it's only in that area I'll continue my repairs and take it to the welders when I've got it back on road.

......... It all depends next week :(
More work i know but you could cut a square out of the floor above the bad bit in the chassis and weld it back in later

My advice would be check the rest of the chassis before commiting ,if its anything like mine there will be rot elsewhere (alot in my case worst being in rear half but realy bad in cross member infront of the fuel tank) and check your rear body cross member as it alot of work to replace and over £100 to buy a new one

I may of bought a light weight with a v8 (not fitted) so i may pull the engine out of mine yet

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