That doesn't look too bad to me? The lower inner wing structure seems fine? Just a bit of work around the arch to do.
mgb.....the inner wing needs a bit more than what's shown....I've looked but haven't poked all of it yet, but I'm ok with what needs doing there.

at the mo, its the hole in the A pillar that's concerning me....I'm still wondering how to tackle it.

I'm thinking cut back to good metal (square shape) with a dremel and then try and weld it without cracking screen !!! or just use some filler and 'whatever' to make it good, though I would prefer the weld option.

I suppose if the screen cracks, I can get a replacement on insurance.

Do you know if the rubber upright is just stuck on ??
One of the jobs I have yet to do is replace the rubbers on my D1. I stripped them off when I had it painted.

The rubber trims are not quite what they seem to be. Inside the rubber trim is a malleable metal U section that fits to the edge of the glass. I assume they must be fitted to the glass before the screen is bonded to the window aperture?

They certainly don't do anything to seal the screen to the vehicle.

What you could do is pull the side rubber off carefully - don't bend it too much otherwise you'll destroy it as there will be no way of straightening the metal section inside the rubber. You could then cut off the U section carefully with a dremel and bond the front of the trim back onto the glass / screen surround once you've finished repairing it.

These trims are about 40 quid each so if you do decide to remove it and then modify it so it can be refitted do so very carefully. You certainly won't be able to refit them unmodified - I've tried very hard!

I'll get a close up of my truck tomorrow to help illustrate a little more clearly what I am trying to describe.
Right then...

Couple of shots of the A post / edge of the screen with the trim removed - it just pulls off.



Here's some shots of the trim removed.




SIDE VIEW to hopefully illustrate the channel for the glass.


Hope that helps a bit.
That's great. thanks MGB

I'll try and get mine off without too much bending........might use the putty knife again !!!

hope to have a go at the n/s rear quarter tomorrow if it's not raining.
Good luck with it.
TBH I just ran a trim removal tool under the rubber and then started pulling from the bottom. Came out easy.
Got the other side off .... Yayyyy

It came off a lot easier than the o/s.

Well, well, well ........ More rust !!!!
Buy some weld though zinc primer and ive used a spray can nozzle on the end of a pipe then fitted to the spray can to cover bare metal in a pillars and sills it stops the rust coming back
I think you need to pick a point, start cutting out some of the grot and start welding. It's all to easy to look at it and feel overwhelmed when they are a bit frilly everywhere.
Yeah, I've just come in and had a cuppa and calmed down a bit now.

Again, it's not so much the welding , but more of 'how the f*** do I get at it !! '

I tried to get screen rubbers off but failed . Cut through the double sided sticky tape ok, but it's well held on at the glass. More brain power needed .... Lol
Right. Update.

Haven't done anything much past few week, been working.


Started on the bonnet hinge .......

Big hole and treated surround with Fertan.

Template made and new piece made ready for re fitting, after I drill holes and weld nuts on back.

Welding close to the rubbers and screen might be interesting !!!
I guess small welds and let each bit cool down before next.
Is there any reason they used torx bolts ??

I knackered up the heads and wondered if I can use bzp or s/steel bolts.
Make sure 100% when your using fertan that you wash it down thoroughly after. The chemicals in it will mess up your primer and top coat combo.

Ideally done use it all and just flap disc/ wire wheel
Yes, I give the fertan a good wash off.

Thought I'd take off the wiper assy and give it a good clean and lube/grease

Then painted top of bulkhead with first coat red oxide

Found out why they use torx bolts......cans get a socket / spanner in there for hex bolt !!!
Bit more ....

Gave bulkhead a second coat of Bonda primer...

Added strengthening plate and welded 8mm nuts to rear of bonnet hinge plate ..

Cleaned up hole on A pillar and coated it in Fertan....

Fettled a patch ready for welding tomorrow .....

And cut a bit more of rust out .....

Not the best bit of welding ...... But it passed the hammer test !!!

A pillar done and ground down.

A bit of a dip in middle, suppose some body filler will fill that up.

More cutting out tomorrow .....

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