I've found this problem on a long feeble extension cable - trying to weld at 180a and it was just not up to it at all - changed location to be closer to the socket and the problem goes away, welds improve and start penetrating again!

I'd also be on .8 wire if I were you, but you could use .6 with more joint prep to an extent.. I have and it works, But not perfect...
Well , all of August spent looking after wifey. The rear of her knee exploded !!! .... Bakers Cyst . Never heard of it, but very painful and debilitating.

Anyways, got the tank out today, dropped the anti roll bar. Bashed more of the chassis and found another hole .
Hi Chris
Thought you'd given up:eek: Glad your back on track !:rolleyes:
Sorry to hear about wifey !:eek::eek: Hope she has a speedy recovery !

Looking at your pics takes me back a few years, did all that and it is still on the road. Your chassis crossmember, the one the rear seat belts bolt through the floor too, looks not too bad, I had to get my mate to fabricate a complete new one. I cut the old one out, welded 3mm plate across the chassis beyond the rusty holes, then the new crossmember was fully welded in. Talk about going beyond the call of duty! That was in conjunction with new rear body crossmemember from YRM, also repaired both rear inner arches which were terrible, new outer arches, new boot floor, new sills both sides inner and outer, new inner wings, and the best bit yet, removed gearbox crossmember to find a hole which i could get both hands in!! God knows how the chassis did not snap in half. That took a wee bit of cunning repairs including folding 3mm plate, slipping it over the small gap between chassis and floor and welding to good metal, also cutting off end of gearbox crossmember and making new end. Phew. Good luck though!!
Thanks Steve........yes its 'back on yer heads' time.

richcrazy.....Its the reason I'm doing mine all in one go........though its taking a very long time. but hopefully once its all done, it'll be easier to keep on top of jobs that crop up.
We ALL do Chris !:rolleyes: Been getting a black mark on best boots for awhile now:eek: Getting in truck to day to take dog to vets & noticed damp patch on plastic floor mat !:eek::mad::mad:
Yep ! Clutch master cyl leaking:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: pick new 1 up tomorrow !

Started to clean up the chassis ready for a dose of Fertan.

Getting all the nuts and bolts off .......

Arse !!!!!

The two bolts for the tank strap !

Looks like a drill out and re-tap. There's always something !!!!!
what a read so glad mine has no rot at all not even a bubble

yes i know total bs lol cant wait to get the welder out and make a start on mine lol
just an update .........
didn't have to drill out broken bolts......they were threaded onto a plate the other side......a quick tap with centre punch and it all came apart.

however ,

f*****d up my back again and haven't done anything to it since.......

looks like its going to be the new year till I get back into it :(
Following on from my Rear Cross Member thread.....

welded some box across the rear......cut the middle of the crossmember out .........got as far as drilling out spot welds.

Still not sure as how to get corner bit off.

will have another look at Mr Noisey's posting again.

Back is pretty good now Alibro. got good stuff from Dr's.

New cross member from yrm coming tomorrow.....Hopefully I'll be able to work out what to chop out of old one next week.

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