The Evoque has cheapened the Range Rover brand....the idea of the Range Rover is '..A Class Above...' to be the flagship, to lead the brand...

Bringing out the Evoque has only dragged the Range Rover into Gaylander territory, and that is truly unforgivable! :D
they look better than them 'orrible P38 things
You should have gone to specsavers! :D
I think the gaylanders look a lot better than evo!! In fact I woud go so far as to say I like the look lof the later Gaylanders, almost like a Baby rangie.

Don't you stick your tongue out at me young man! You should be on the naughty step for that comment :)

p.s my neighbour's son is a poof and a hairdresser. He just traded his white gaylander (which he was scared to drive in the snow) for a white ejoke :lol:
They have took the market that would only have been filled by another make. What would you prefer, a car that is built in a British factory by British workers with a badge that holds British pedigree owned by Tata :rolleyes: (nothing is perfect) or a bmw or merc taking the market?

If I had the money I would buy one.......for the wife :D
If it was called the Land Rover Evoque, I wouldn't have a beef...but it isn't a Range Rover....

Yes it has filled a hole in the market...but a Range Rover is supposed to be something special, something to aspire too....the evoque has brought the Range Rover name into a market for the masses and not for what the Range Rover was intended for - to be a flagship model, to be a leader in its field, to be something to work towards...not something you can get for Mondeo money - it has cheapened the marque, and has dragged the Range Rover name down with it...
If it was called the Land Rover Evoque, I wouldn't have a beef...but it isn't a Range Rover....

Yes it has filled a hole in the market...but a Range Rover is supposed to be something special, something to aspire too....the evoque has brought the Range Rover name into a market for the masses and not for what the Range Rover was intended for - to be a flagship model, to be a leader in its field, to be something to work towards...not something you can get for Mondeo money - it has cheapened the marque, and has dragged the Range Rover name down with it...

I agree 1000% and it's what I said ages ago about it. Let the wannabes have their Land Rover ejoke as a step in the right direction, whilst admitting they can't afford the real thing and they are saving up until they can, same as gaylander owners . However, it is not a Range Rover.
I agree 1000% and it's what I said ages ago about it. Let the wannabes have their Land Rover ejoke as a step in the right direction, whilst admitting they can't afford the real thing and they are saving up until they can, same as gaylander owners . However, it is not a Range Rover.

if the badge says Rangerover, Then it's a RANGEROVER..

What's with the Badge Snobbery?????
if the badge says Rangerover, Then it's a RANGEROVER..

What's with the Badge Snobbery?????
In effect, I suppoe it is Badge Snobbery....

I work hard and long hours so I can afford a market leader, a flagship model, one of the best vehicles on the road...

To have my hard work and efforts cheapened by a total chav mobile, really binds....

To own a Range Rover is to work hard and aspire to it, to know you have worked for it and as such deserve it....

I strive to be the best I can be at work
I work long hours and dedicate a lot of hard work to my job
I have worked my way up the ladder from a pleb to a respected Engineer in one of the worlds largest Engineering companies
I have scrimped and saved to be able to afford my Range Rover and its running costs
I have sacrificed many things for the car I want
I do not want my efforts cheapened by the Evoque that brings the luxury and enjoyment I have into the hands of others who only want it because they think it will look good to the neighbours, to keep up the Jones's next door.....

It is the same reason I don't like 5 series BMWs or E class Mercs...they are a wannabe car, 'I think I am better than a 3 but can't afford a 7...' 'I think I am better than a C but can't afford an S...'

If you want an S or a 7 or even a Range your time, work hard, save, scrimp and sacrafice....that way you will know you are truly deserving of the best vehicle there can be - A Range Rover.
In effect, I suppoe it is Badge Snobbery....

I work hard and long hours so I can afford a market leader, a flagship model, one of the best vehicles on the road...

To have my hard work and efforts cheapened by a total chav mobile, really binds....

To own a Range Rover is to work hard and aspire to it, to know you have worked for it and as such deserve it....

I strive to be the best I can be at work
I work long hours and dedicate a lot of hard work to my job
I have worked my way up the ladder from a pleb to a respected Engineer in one of the worlds largest Engineering companies
I have scrimped and saved to be able to afford my Range Rover and its running costs
I have sacrificed many things for the car I want
I do not want my efforts cheapened by the Evoque that brings the luxury and enjoyment I have into the hands of others who only want it because they think it will look good to the neighbours, to keep up the Jones's next door.....

It is the same reason I don't like 5 series BMWs or E class Mercs...they are a wannabe car, 'I think I am better than a 3 but can't afford a 7...' 'I think I am better than a C but can't afford an S...'

If you want an S or a 7 or even a Range your time, work hard, save, scrimp and sacrafice....that way you will know you are truly deserving of the best vehicle there can be - A Range Rover.
horse ****