I think the Evoque looks great, and as for the claims of it being a Mondeo money Range Rover? They start at £30k! I don't think many on here have spent that much buying their Range Rover. Do the people who hate the Evoque also hate the RR Sport?
I think the Evoque looks great, and as for the claims of it being a Mondeo money Range Rover? They start at £30k! I don't think many on here have spent that much buying their Range Rover. Do the people who hate the Evoque also hate the RR Sport?

£30k would get me a mint Vogue :)
In effect, I suppoe it is Badge Snobbery....

I work hard and long hours so I can afford a market leader, a flagship model, one of the best vehicles on the road...

To have my hard work and efforts cheapened by a total chav mobile, really binds....

To own a Range Rover is to work hard and aspire to it, to know you have worked for it and as such deserve it....

I strive to be the best I can be at work
I work long hours and dedicate a lot of hard work to my job
I have worked my way up the ladder from a pleb to a respected Engineer in one of the worlds largest Engineering companies
I have scrimped and saved to be able to afford my Range Rover and its running costs
I have sacrificed many things for the car I want
I do not want my efforts cheapened by the Evoque that brings the luxury and enjoyment I have into the hands of others who only want it because they think it will look good to the neighbours, to keep up the Jones's next door.....

It is the same reason I don't like 5 series BMWs or E class Mercs...they are a wannabe car, 'I think I am better than a 3 but can't afford a 7...' 'I think I am better than a C but can't afford an S...'

If you want an S or a 7 or even a Range Rover...do your time, work hard, save, scrimp and sacrafice....that way you will know you are truly deserving of the best vehicle there can be - A Range Rover.

What a load of rubbish! Lots of people don't want or need a vehicle the size of an S class or 7 series and would choose an E class or 5 series in its place. Theres also the case for the E63/M5 versions, which personally I'd choose over an S class or 7 series. You've basically written off anything other than the most expensive model any car maker produces as a vehicle for someone who's cares more about image than anything else which is rubbish.
What the fact I work hard?
That the Range Rover is a class leader?
I don't deserve a Range Rover considering I work hard and sacrafice to have one?
The Evoque has cheapened the brand?
the fact your coming across as a pretentious snob
What the fact I work hard?
That the Range Rover is a class leader?
I don't deserve a Range Rover considering I work hard and sacrafice to have one?
The Evoque has cheapened the brand?

it hasn't cheapened the brand at all, it's still a well put together capable machine.

the fact that you don't like it is acedemic in this case.

land rover would go bust if all it produced was rangie, defender and disco.
What a load of rubbish! Lots of people don't want or need a vehicle the size of an S class or 7 series and would choose an E class or 5 series in its place. Theres also the case for the E63/M5 versions, which personally I'd choose over an S class or 7 series. You've basically written off anything other than the most expensive model any car maker produces as a vehicle for someone who's cares more about image than anything else which is rubbish.
The M Sport models have there place, and yes I would have a M5 over a 7'er purely for the joy of driving one!....

The 5'er and the E's have there place admittedly...my point was, to me, I work hard so why sould I settle for a mid range model....not anyone else...I said ' to me it is a wannabe car...' not to anyone else....

the fact your coming across as a pretentious snob
That is not the way it was intended to come across, I am certainly no snob thats for sure, as above my point is I work hard for the car I want to drive, as others do. I grew up looking up to the Range Rover with a sparkle in my eye to wanting to own on...so I knew I would have to work hard and put the time in to save and sacrifice to have one....as to me they were the most brilliant vehicle ever, and they represented to me hard work and dedication...nothing more.

Sorry if I came across as pretentious or snobbish, not intended and that is definatly not me...arrogant, bullish with an attitude problem and a bad temper yes....a snob no!:eek::eek:
They have took the market that would only have been filled by another make. What would you prefer, a car that is built in a British factory by British workers with a badge that holds British pedigree owned by Tata :rolleyes: (nothing is perfect) or a bmw or merc taking the market?

If I had the money I would buy one.......for the wife :D

Got to agree with a lot of that. It's just a shame that its appearance suggests that its pedigree is that of an unwanted love child of the Austin Allegro.

Got to agree with a lot of that. It's just a shame that its appearance suggests that its pedigree is that of an unwanted love child of the Austin Allegro.

The M Sport models have there place, and yes I would have a M5 over a 7'er purely for the joy of driving one!....

The 5'er and the E's have there place admittedly...my point was, to me, I work hard so why sould I settle for a mid range model....not anyone else...I said ' to me it is a wannabe car...' not to anyone else....

That is not the way it was intended to come across, I am certainly no snob thats for sure, as above my point is I work hard for the car I want to drive, as others do. I grew up looking up to the Range Rover with a sparkle in my eye to wanting to own on...so I knew I would have to work hard and put the time in to save and sacrifice to have one....as to me they were the most brilliant vehicle ever, and they represented to me hard work and dedication...nothing more.

Sorry if I came across as pretentious or snobbish, not intended and that is definatly not me...arrogant, bullish with an attitude problem and a bad temper yes....a snob no!:eek::eek:

How does the Evoque existing diminish your hard work to buy a totally different model? If the people running around in brand new Evoques were cruising around in 3 year old white L322's with chrome wheels instead, would that make you feel better? Also, P38's can be bought for peanuts now, so there is no real barrier to owning a Range Rover if that's what you really want to do.
How does the Evoque existing diminish your hard work to buy a totally different model? If the people running around in brand new Evoques were cruising around in 3 year old white L322's with chrome wheels instead, would that make you feel better? Also, P38's can be bought for peanuts now, so there is no real barrier to owning a Range Rover if that's what you really want to do.
100% agree to that....

Thinking lateraly about it, as you have put, I guess you could consider the Evoque as a different model within a Brand...in a similar vain to the M5, X5 and 5'er....at times it takes discussion to bring about new lines of thought....

I love Range Rovers and I guess I am blinkered to anything outside of the Flagship range....

The Evoque has its place, that I agree with...within the 'New' Land Rover way forward...which I guess is starting to split...the Range Rover is no Longer a Land Rover Range Rover...but a brand within itself..and as such to build the brand new models and fresh ideas are needed to move forward....

As Kirk said in Star Trek 4 - The Voyage Home, to Scotty 'Young minds, Fresh ideas...be tolerant'

I stand in a corner and hang head! (still doesn't mean I like it though :D)
I think the Evoque looks great, and as for the claims of it being a Mondeo money Range Rover? They start at £30k! I don't think many on here have spent that much buying their Range Rover. Do the people who hate the Evoque also hate the RR Sport?

Not at all, My Missus wants an Evoque and I think she should get one! they are good looking cars!! and she would look good in it! and she'd put most of you in your places regards fast driving!! The Range Rover "Sport" is a nothing car, it doesn't do the Range Rover bit right and no matter what you do to such a large car it should never be referred to as "sport" it just looks a dogs dinner!!
Slightly off track but why do so many on here like to boast about driving fast? So much so, it has now expanded to boasting about other people's fast driving :confused: I have more respect for competent drivers. Maybe it's because I'm one of those 'poor sods' mentioned by another member, who has had to pick up the parts left behind by 'fast' drivers. There's nothing clever about driving 'fast' on public roads, no matter how 'good' a driver you say you are. There are very few drivers taught in this country who know how to drive at speed on public roads and there is very little point in those who do know doing so, as those around them are reacting at a much slower speed.
Back on track have I guesstimated incorrectly, or are approx 98% of those singing the praises of the ejoke, not actually Range Rover drivers. :D
Slightly off track but why do so many on here like to boast about driving fast? So much so, it has now expanded to boasting about other people's fast driving :confused: I have more respect for competent drivers. Maybe it's because I'm one of those 'poor sods' mentioned by another member, who has had to pick up the parts left behind by 'fast' drivers. There's nothing clever about driving 'fast' on public roads, no matter how 'good' a driver you say you are. There are very few drivers taught in this country who know how to drive at speed on public roads and there is very little point in those who do know doing so, as those around them are reacting at a much slower speed.

nice of you to jump to conclusions and cast aspersions on the character of my other half, but where above does it say she drives fast on public roads??:confused:
Nice of you to jump with me. Where did I say your missus drives fast on public roads? Although if you read what you wrote it would have been easy to take that from it.
I have a P38 and a Freelander 2 and both are great vehicles.There is nothing wrong with the Evoque for the market that LR designed for.I personally dont like it being branded as a Range Rover,but as a marketing strategy it certainly has worked for LR.:D