
New Member
Looking to increase the security of my 300 tdi (n plate). Use steering wheel lock but want added peace of mind. I used to have an MG with a hidden switch isolating the ignition circuit. Worked well. Thinking about doing similar. Welcome any thoughts / experience from those more knowledgable than me. Thanks
This section is for people who have broken down and need urgent assistance
Not sure you fall into this category
This section is for people who have broken down and need urgent assistance
Not sure you fall into this category
Morty is in the right section - now stop trying to confuse the Newb :(:D

Morty - while you can do what you suggest I think most thieving scumbag scrotes would know how to hotwire something simple like a 300 and in doing so they would also bypass your hidden switch. By all means do it in case you get targeted by the only one who doesn't know how to do it but don't put any real reliance on it. Visible deterrent is more useful in my opinion as it will put them off (hopefully!)
This section is for people who have broken down and need urgent assistance
Not sure you fall into this category
Bugger - just realised Morty's thread has been moved from LZIR so you were right - mucho apologies about my previous comment, will even give you a 'like' to compensate ;)
imo lots and lots of layers of security. DO NOT just rely on one or two things.

The more visible the better.
I agree with kwakerman go for more visible security what will put them off and it's "too long of a job" removing it all to pinch... Even if you do a hidden switch give them 10 minutes to pop the bonet and run a live feed to the solenoid and starter and there away. You could always shell out and buy a skytag tracker system I hear good reviews on them.
The best security is disguise. To the casual observer my Landy looks almost like a clapped out old Corsa.

If fact even under close scrutiny it still looks like a clapped out old Corsa.

The problem it's very expensive to fabricate such cunning camouflage which for reasons I don't fully understand isn't totally reflected in its value.
Fashion a false portion of dash including the ignition barrel cover and fit yards of cable and switches spewing out of it. Simply slip it behind your steering wheel when you leave the car unattended.
Thats what mine looks like and nobody in their right mind would want this pile of crap. :oops:
The best security is disguise. To the casual observer my Landy looks almost like a clapped out old Corsa.

If fact even under close scrutiny it still looks like a clapped out old Corsa.

The problem it's very expensive to fabricate such cunning camouflage which for reasons I don't fully understand isn't totally reflected in its value.
Correct........... a back pack in the passenger seat with a few exposed wires and a clock should work
Looking to increase the security of my 300 tdi (n plate). Use steering wheel lock but want added peace of mind. I used to have an MG with a hidden switch isolating the ignition circuit. Worked well. Thinking about doing similar. Welcome any thoughts / experience from those more knowledgable than me. Thanks
This is a very effective system.......
Thanks all. Think I'll take the South African option then - run a switched wire from the +ve battery terminal to the bodywork and fry 'em! Failing that, I'll take the visible deterrent suggestion and hope.
Thanks all. Think I'll take the South African option then - run a switched wire from the +ve battery terminal to the bodywork and fry 'em! Failing that, I'll take the visible deterrent suggestion and hope.

If you dasffs!'ll find many, including a thread collecting info on thefts and attempted thefts, that suggests the best single piece of added security is a full disklok fitted loosely and steering column lock engaged.

Start there and add layers both subtle/hidden and visual.

Fit a tracker if you'd like to get it back
The very best way to have nothing stolen.......
Become a vagrant....
You'll no longer be a target.....
Jack 2 wheels up on the same side and put it on axle stands, so the tyres are literally 1 mm off the ground. you could even do all 4 wheels.

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