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Evening guys..

Earlier this year a friend of mine parked up on a hill (I was with him) as we got to his front door his handbrake failed and his car rolled down a hill hitting another. Fortunately no one was around, no one hurt.

All the usual exchanging of details took place, my friend only had 3rd party so wasn't going to get anything anyway. Got a call from Adrian flux to say it's ok to get rid of the car a few months ago.

So.. This morning my friend got a letter from a solicitor saying that he was being sued by the person who owned the car he hit.

The letter is supposedly from 'True Solicitors LLP' based in Newcastle on Tyne. I say supposedly because the claim is full of broken english and makes entirely false allegations, but, comes with a fully fledged court claim, stamped and approved by the county court.

I am at a loss here, I need to contact the insurance company tomorrow and find out why this lady never received her money (I assume that's why she is suing my friend)

Does anyone have any suggestions or help with this?

It's the last thing you need before christmas :(

Cheers everyone.
Evening guys..

Earlier this year a friend of mine parked up on a hill (I was with him) as we got to his front door his handbrake failed and his car rolled down a hill hitting another. Fortunately no one was around, no one hurt.

I am at a loss here, I need to contact the insurance company tomorrow and find out why this lady never received her money (I assume that's why she is suing my friend)

Does anyone have any suggestions or help with this?

It's the last thing you need before christmas :(

Cheers everyone.

Why do you have to do anything, if it was a friends motor and his insurance?
Do you/your friend have legal cover (eg DAS)? If so...hand letter over to insurance company and leave them to deal. If not... speak to CAB.
Hi Guys, I know I don't need to do anything, he's my friend and I want to help him out with this.

I have spoken to the insurance company and they are going to deal with it - though the letter attached was in broken english unfortunately the court documents are legitimate. I was just wondering if anyone has gone through this before, I had not heard of someone being sued for a car crash (besides personal injury) before this. Perhaps that was naive of me, will let you know what happens.

Thanks for the replies :)
Quite common for Uninsured losses to be claimed back thru courts.

Loss of earnings deficit between cost of replacing car and amount paid out by insurers etc.

Also Lots of claims of stress & Mental pain from these fecking ambulance chasers that have sprung up recently.

Good news is his insurance will have to pay out any costs awarded against him. Even if the claim has been paid out.
maybe the guy had whiplash..

when he jumped out of bed to see his crushed car through the window
If the 3rd party insurance can't agree with your mates insurance regarding value of claim a court case will be started and the summons goes to your mate not his insurance. Pass it to your insurer and they will del with it��
If your.. sorry your mates ;) car is with Flux insurance expect this to go on for a very long time....

hope your both ok anyhow :)
I had a similar experience with Zurich. I was summoned to court. Wasn't happy at all. Forwarded to Zurich stating this. You should not answer such correspondence, just forward to your insurer, but when you receive a summons it becomes personal

True solicitors llp are personal injury ambulance chasers with a few branches around the UK. Since it is broken English, I suggest it may have originated in their Birmingham branch.
i had a similar experience with zurich. I was summoned to court. Wasn't happy at all. Forwarded to zurich stating this. You should not answer such correspondence, just forward to your insurer, but when you receive a summons it becomes personal

true solicitors llp are personal injury ambulance chasers with a few branches around the uk. Since it is broken english, i suggest it may have originated in their birmingham branch.

love it :D:D
BTW my wife is getting upset about this. Yampy yam yams are black country, brommies are the result of a yam yam mating with a pig
Evening guys..

Earlier this year a friend of mine parked up on a hill (I was with him) as we got to his front door his handbrake failed and his car rolled down a hill hitting another. Fortunately no one was around, no one hurt.

All the usual exchanging of details took place, my friend only had 3rd party so wasn't going to get anything anyway. Got a call from Adrian flux to say it's ok to get rid of the car a few months ago.

So.. This morning my friend got a letter from a solicitor saying that he was being sued by the person who owned the car he hit.

The letter is supposedly from 'True Solicitors LLP' based in Newcastle on Tyne. I say supposedly because the claim is full of broken english and makes entirely false allegations, but, comes with a fully fledged court claim, stamped and approved by the county court.

I am at a loss here, I need to contact the insurance company tomorrow and find out why this lady never received her money (I assume that's why she is suing my friend)

Does anyone have any suggestions or help with this?

It's the last thing you need before christmas :(

Cheers everyone.

I got a letter like this once after an accident that was caused by the person trying to sue me.

I wrote back to them and in the queens best english explained, and I paraphrase here, "No, I don't think so" that about sums up what I said, albeit it took about a page of A4 to do it on.

I never heard back from them - in your case just have the insurers deal with it.

A lot of these letters are written after an incident like this to try and scare you into sending the other party some money, a lot of people just panic and pay - they just need one letter a day to work like this for them and it's worth their existence.
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...though the letter attached was in broken english unfortunately the court documents are legitimate....

Anyone can put a case forward at the court and get the stamp.

Little do people know, but if you witness and or have all the evidence to prove it, to a level accepted by the court you can put a case forward to the crown prosecution service or procurator fiscal (in Scotland) and if everything is accurate and accepted the person(s) can be charged - not advisable unless you know how to right enough.

I had an issue earlier this year where someone had defrauded me, after they received my letter of intentions which included all the documentation which would see them in front of a judge for their actions they soon sorted it all out.
quite a few years ago, my youngest daughter had the misfortune to knock a young boy over who ran across the road from an ice cream van..
police came, took statements, took measurements, then let her drive the car home, only a few hundred metres.
anyway, lots of letters back and forth, but no damage to daughters car, the young boys condition was a broken leg - sadly...
daughter had a letter from police saying no charges, she was not speeding, not even doing 30mph but less than 20mph..
got a letter to say daughter was being sued by parents for a long list of things....
the thing was, he and his mum would walk past, the boy on crutches while he passed our then house untill round the corner began kicking a football about....
someone took a photo of this..
it all went to court, he was represented by a then scheme where you took a loan to pay, but was sure to get paid out more in judgement..
they lost..........
ended up in deep **** too both money and court wise..

then the trouble started..
broken windows, food smeared all over my daughter brand new car, kicked in panels..
then on my daughters wedding day, the family photo outside our then house with all the ceremonies attendees all looking on, the young boys family came shouting abuse while the phographer tried to take photos....

its not like that nowadays with no win - no fee...

after the reception, we put the house up for sale..
between that point, and moving, both my son and me looked for that family walking past our house....
there was a side road with a dangerous crossing so it had an "Island" in the middle.
we waited untill they were at that point and drove down that road without stopping.
the moment they stepped of that pedestrian Island, they were jaywalking...
gladly we moved far far away.....
before they stepped infront of us....

moral of my story ??
2 things really, dont feck with me or my family,
or dont try and sue me or my family, when your in the wrong,
oh, 3rd....
dont give me grief if you only live 20 or 30 or so houses away

I don't get it... your mate parkeed on a hill, left in gear and hand brake on, then it rolled away? did the gear box fail or something?

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