See the dude in the middle.. that's you that is :D

Honestly, I've got a Hill stirrup pump, and it doesn't take any time at all to pump up to 180bar :) It might help that I'm a 6'2" fat git though :)
you cant go wrong with a tx 200. ive had or shot on a regular basis a logun s16, rws simmitor, bsa gold star, s200, bsa lightning, a few hw's and not one of them came close to the tx 200. best gun ive owned bye far.
I've had a Logun Solo with multishot adaptor since they came out its as good to use as my mates s410 and was £200 to start off with, bit more since silencers, bipod on etc.
gamo as i understand it are BSA cheapo range am looking at one for the old man as he stole cough borrowed my hw35 new they are £71 177 tho
well i saw a rabbit on the farm at the weekend, the little git had the audacity to hop across our garden! :eek:

without even the decency of knocking on the door to ask if we might like him for supper.

Soon rectify that!

And there is a mole in the garden
Moles are right little sods. You'll be needing grenades to get at them down these :D

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