
New Member
Hey folks am new to this site just looking for some before and after pics of your defenders to get ideas for my 1st defender project thanks Peter
My first suggestion would be to go and introduce yourself :rolleyes:

This was my first project, Well actually it was my brothers but I did all the work.


Done another one and am nearing completion of my latest one. Have a read of the rebuild threads in my sig if you're interested. There are also plenty of other good rebuild threads on here if you have a look.
Bah humbug! ^ quit winging, hes showing interest in our modified trucks, if youve got one show it off, if not hush your mush.
Sorry folks should have introduced myself first my bad! Some great transformations amazing to see what can be done, will be starting a thread of my own whenever I start doing different bits and pieces to my landy
Will get a pic up when I work out how to

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