Aye...as if it's her 'room' that the newbies are barging in on,

personally I couldn't give a monkeys about this introduction ball hocks,
I barged scratched and fought my way in here in good faith without saying 'hello' and it didn't do me any harm!o_O:eek::cool::cool::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::mad::mad::mad::(:(:(:rolleyes::rolleyes::oops:;):p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p
Speaking of Monkeys!!!! LOL. Alan will know what i mean and FYi Alan, i am retired military mate so watch it or else. LMAO most of us are good eggs buddy which iis why the RMP ( Monkeys ) was created for the bad eggs and those who pretend to be something they arn't. LOL.

Oh i do love a good scrap sometimes. LOL
Speaking of Monkeys!!!! LOL. Alan will know what i mean and FYi Alan, i am retired military mate so watch it or else. LMAO most of us are good eggs buddy which iis why the RMP ( Monkeys ) was created for the bad eggs and those who pretend to be something they arn't. LOL.

Oh i do love a good scrap sometimes. LOL
VT is trying to be good cop ATM. Typical bully if no one joins in the tirade it's all change and wot I never said that ' onest guvenor. True colours shown,the niceness is all my rrr's;):D

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