And hiding under a profile? Yours is blocked from being viewed. Scared of consequences for trolling? Oh and by the way, in case you think I’m Swedish because of my profile and you’re being a deliberate t*** because you’re actually a racist, I’m English and I bought the car in Scotland. Bow to Westminster and beg for independene b****.
Mate,I take it you've had a run in with gold rover,aka Vinegar Tits. Don't let it wind you up just do what a lot have done and block it. Even the garage she used to use must have fecked her off as she was slagging them not so long ago. Put it down to the time of the month or the calendar wrong,if she can find someone to pup her by the numbers of course being supposedly ex military.:rolleyes::DWelcome back.;)
Bit left over:eek: proper mechanic then :D;)

Fink it was these bits

Still got them in me bucket of left over bits if you need, it’s getting rather full:eek:

I've given you 8 minutes,times well up.Ive unblocked her, what an absolute toss pot,who made her the Good Manners police, she should learn some herself.:rolleyes:
I've never blocked her, although she 'alleged' that she has in fact blocked me and promised NEVER to peek at me again, a likely story indeed, and I'll tell you for why....

once she's read our 'blocked' posts about her tantrum shenanigans she scoots off and changes her tune to sweetness and light for almost a week, it's highly amusing watching her do it time and time again.
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I've never blocked her, although she 'alleged' that she has in fact blocked me and promised NEVER to peek at me again, a likely story indeed, and I'll tell you for why....

once she's read our 'blocked' posts on her she scoots of and changes her tune to sweetness and light for almost a week, it's highly amusing watching her do it time and time again.
I'm seriously considering blocking her again after reading more crap dished out to another poor sod. Seems that good manners emoji is getting a battering.:rolleyes: what a cnut!
I'm seriously considering blocking her again after reading more crap dished out to another poor sod. Seems that good manners emoji is getting a battering.:rolleyes: what a cnut! if it's her 'room' that the newbies are barging in on,

personally I couldn't give a monkeys about this introduction ball hocks,
I barged scratched and fought my way in here in good faith without saying 'hello' and it didn't do me any harm!o_O:eek::cool::cool::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::mad::mad::mad::(:(:(:rolleyes::rolleyes::oops:;):p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p
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