Better keep an eye on this, trying to get some ideas on some good lanes in the Basingstoke/Hook/Alton area!

Where abouts are Bluebell Woods?

Need to go and buy a decent map...
its a trade secret :D

...and probably not very bluebell-y now either ;)

Watch out for local trips and you may well find out!

I'm preparing my disco for an MOT-weld :eek: but trying to keep it drivable so I can nip out. Toying with another gentle explore of the area (there's some lanes that were under a temporary TRO earlier in the year, but should now be open), just need to find some more time - I'll post here if I finally discover some!
Having missed out on the last newbie run me and the Freelander would be interested in some non-scratchy. I've no idea what it's capable of and don't want to risk getting stuck on my own.
Probably best to wait until winter for non-scratchy. A lot of the easier lanes are still pretty narrow and overgrown. I'll try and remember to give you a shout if we go out - you can always miss bad lanes and meet us at the other end :)

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