Ere pikey. You know that "Smog cloud" we saw yesterday - it must have been the fires Bracknell way, cos there is a smell of burning in the air late last night and this morning :(.
eek... my hood is on fire... next you lads go out basingstoke way, give old fleck a shout please, me and the ben are keen to hit the ledges and wotnot :D
mornin daft... ive heard about you 2 dancin in the bluebells.. :eek: :p ;)

yup - that bright red dress is rather fetching. That reminds me, pikey was showing me one of the local dogging spots....... Must tell Boomer :).

Fleck - any time mate the first 3 or 4 lanes are do-able on yo own. Just shout.
Finally got a reply back from Hants CC regarding the flytipping... "not my problem guv" was the gist. Flytipping is the responsibility of the local borough council not the highways folks. :mad:

Good job someone had moved the cr*p off the highway in my view... :D
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Thought about some impromptu evening laning tomorrow evening. Anyone interested? Nothing hard, just a gentle drive round some favourite lanes (which can be scratchy by the way). Not an organised trip, more of a look at the map and "let's try that one".
dammit, i would normally be well up for it but am doing a charity red cross braai thing tomorrow in chiswick... enjoy if you go though :D
Yu bugger :)
I am down in deep, darkest chippy run country :eek: so can't make it.
Sure some others could tho?
surprised the big mouse hasn`t appeared with talk of chips... pretty sure he has some sort of word monitor thingy set up to let him know when chips are mentioned on lz ;) :D
Heading out at around 19.30 this evening - all easy lanes, just scratchy. PM me before 5 to get a start location - bring a map! :D

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