Well i'll be taking my towbar off today. I never got the chance to change my rear springs over to the HD ones, so towbar off or i'll be ploughing the derbyshire countryside!
Right, we will be there Thursday afternoon. When I say we, I'm excluding my 90, which will be spending the weekend on the final stage of chassis change. I wasn't too keen on an almost 400 mile round trip with some laning thrown in as a shake-down cruise anyway.
If you are looking for us, myself and Mrs. FL will be the ones begging for any spare seats, preferably together since that would mean I could let Linda be chief gate bitch:D
See you all there.
If the seat offer from Magicgrotto doesn't work out there will be a couple of spare seats in mine, with an old lurcher who doesn't care who he rests his head on :D
From a Facebook page ...

We have an issue on one of the route lanes, Clough Lane between Winster and Darley Dale. A tree is down, blocking the lane. Normally I'd just winch it out the way, saw it up maybe etc, but it looks a bit large, with nowhere to simply drag it to, so it might keep us for longer than I'd like. Because of this I'll try to have a look and do it before, or make a slight detour to the posted route ... I'll keep you all informed, but it shouldn't spoil the weekend at all.

.. ;)
OK, on balance, I've decided to re-route. This will shorten the overall route by about 3 miles maybe, so no biggie, but it also cuts out a few A road miles, it's all smaller lanes and interesting enough anyway, so should be OK .. :)
You may find that you can drag it back up the bank @Paul D :rolleyes: then you will only have the twigggggy end to sort !! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::)

That's what I was initially thinking, but it'd be a bit of a rig to do that, there's nowhere for the Landy to stand except the lane ... There's no direct access to above, or below, the tree, so it'd be all shackles, swing-aways and lots of rope I think. Lots of time ... 'specially as the pic is deceptive, the bank doesn't actually stop there, we'd have to re-rig it all to pull it behind another tree and hope that keeps it from rolling back down.
Tow bar off... just glad i had the foresight to WD40 it to death a couple of days ago....
I will hope to be there about 6 ish on Thursday , maybe a little before or after. I am driving a Landy after all. Aim to be in the pub for 6:30 then....:D

Not gonna make it :(

Took the ambulance for her test this morning, generally quite pleased, one outrigger to weld ( not sure how I missed that :confused: ) and what's probably an earth issue on rear lights. Still got some air in the brakes somewhere as well which became obvious on the journey. The chap said they were borderline and offered me 5 mins to tweak the adjusters but they should be bloody good and I'd be far happier with them spot on so my weekend is sorted tinkering instead of Laning.

I'm sad to miss it but very excited that she's actually going to be back on the road :)

Have a great time and I expect updates and lots of pics.
@blue beasty

Sorry to hear you are going to miss it, shame about the failed MOT , but at least it is a step closer. Fingers crossed it is all easy to do with no surprises.

@Paul D , just looked at the weather forecast, Did you forget to book the Hot Sunny weather???o_Oo_Oo_O One simple thing to do....LOL. :p:p

Looking forward to it. See you tomorrow.

Not gonna make it :(

Took the ambulance for her test this morning, generally quite pleased, one outrigger to weld ( not sure how I missed that :confused: ) and what's probably an earth issue on rear lights. Still got some air in the brakes somewhere as well which became obvious on the journey. The chap said they were borderline and offered me 5 mins to tweak the adjusters but they should be bloody good and I'd be far happier with them spot on so my weekend is sorted tinkering instead of Laning.

I'm sad to miss it but very excited that she's actually going to be back on the road :)

Have a great time and I expect updates and lots of pics.
Sorry to hear you won't be there BB, but it's good that you almost have the ambulance back on the road.
Sorry you're not coming @blue beasty , you're missing a special Landyzone Bakewell Bash cake our lass just finished making .. and flapjacks and chocolate crunch and stuff ... ;)

LOL, I did book the weather, unfortunately they said the best sun was already booked and I'd have to take pot luck .... Like @manchestershire says, it's the Peaks, we're stuffed whatever we book .. :)

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