Yeah I tried the Miners but they were full for the dates I wanted recently. They're on my list, just not got around to the telephone yet.

Also looking at Bull int'thorn and the Waterloo/Wellington, can't remember the exact name right now. Also have a couple of other possibilities if these don't work .. :)
Think the Waterloo at Taddington is shut now, unless it's just having a long refurb! The Manifold Inn at Hulme End near Hartington does camping but not been in the pub for years so can't say if it's any good or not, lots of good lanes right on it's doorstep though. Or the Bulls head at Monyash ain't bad but the campsite is 5 mins walk away at t'other end of the village.
If it's going to be a small do then the Royal Oak at Hurdlow could be an option
I'd be up for this, but as I'd need to get a floaty thing between here and there, can the dates be written in stone as I don't get boaty refunds. :(
Rob , me and 110son of would be very interested ..our only issue is Rob is away in Malawi for the first three weeks of September so for us it'll be all about dates as to whether we can make it or not .
I missed the first Bakewell trip because I was stoney broke so I'm really hoping it falls OK date wise to make it this time.
I'd be happy to help with anything although I'm not sure quite what I could do in practical terms.
There are dates I can't make as well, but I suspect availability of venues will be the limiting factor. I will be there if humanly possible.
So, after the cancellation of LZ17 I want to try a little get-together.

So, along the lines of simple and friendly I'm going to arrange for a rally field, next to a pub, starting on a Friday, ending Sunday sometime. I have the original routes from the previous Bouncing Bakewell and will run them after re-checking them. I might have a marquee already (smaller than LZ) but that's not certain yet. It's likely to be simply a field next to a pub, with a marquee for seating and table, probably BYO, for us to get together. Music via a small amp and speakers and whatever anyone wants to plug in!

Also I'm not sure on the exact venue, I tried to book two venues (one of which was the original BB pub) quickly to replace the LZ17 but couldn't, so I'm looking at sometime before September whilst it's hopefully still warm of a night time.

As yet, just looking for interest, laning leaders etc. and possibly help when I know what I/we want!

Anyone interested?
hi Paul D, can you send me an idea of the post code so I can look at the distance from us? cheers
hi Paul D, can you send me an idea of the post code so I can look at the distance from us? cheers
If the dates suit, we'll be travelling down from Barrow way if you fancy a convoy. I recon its about 5 hours in my defender. depending on Manchester traffic.
We are interested in this too - being as we're not far away, and also that we couldn't do LZ13 due SWMBO being a few days post op :eek: *

Would be nice to put faces to names ;), if the dates suit us :)

(*= nothing major major, but still under orders not to do very much of anything :confused:)
Since I've put coils on the back of my D2, it's highlighting the fact that all the rear end bushes need replacing, so I might have to back out of this :(
Unless of course, someone can convince me that even if the bushes were to completely disintegrate, all that will happen is that I'll have a very noisy journey back home. :)
I blame money, and the fact that I just don't have enough of it! :eek:
I work and sometimes I dont and I have my legs waxed on a Thursday and these shoes aint lasting and my hair is wet...................:rolleyes:
OK, Bakewell Bashers ... the provisional dates will be from Friday AUGUST 4th till Sunday AUGUST 6th £12 per tent and the venue is the Bull i' th' Thorn ... ;)

Bull i' th' Thorn

NOTE this is, for now, a Provisional booking
so please don't contact them yet, we're still working details out about whether you all pay me or them directly, about a marquee, music, fires etc I will firm everything up by this weekend.

Please also note this is what's available right now. This area of Derbyshire holds a lot of rallies, festivals, exhibitions and a large(ish) booking is awkward to get at relatively short notice. It is likely we won't have the field to ourselves and it's not as large as the field at Stanford. There are some electric pitches and they do take caravans too ... There are also a limited number of (expensive, sorry) B&B's in the pub if you're not up for camping .. ;)

I only have the first line details yet, but I am going over to discuss with them this weekend, so please bear with me and more info will be forthcoming either at the weekend or just after.

Happy camping .. ;)
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Well spotted ... AUGUST 4th to 6th ...... Something came on TV as I typed and July 4th (feckin' merkins) ... ;)
Off to work now before anyone else spots summat wrong ... ;)
Right, I've booked the boaty thing, so I'll be in the UK just after lunchtime on the 4th August, whether you lot like it or not! :)
So, based on traffic and the obligatory wrong turn, I should be at The Bull i’ th’ Thorn by about 3. :D

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