Paul D

Old, nackered 'n broke, but the Landy is fine . :)
Events Planner
So, after the cancellation of LZ17 I want to try a little get-together.

So, along the lines of simple and friendly I'm going to arrange for a rally field, next to a pub, starting on a Friday, ending Sunday sometime. I have the original routes from the previous Bouncing Bakewell and will run them after re-checking them. I might have a marquee already (smaller than LZ) but that's not certain yet. It's likely to be simply a field next to a pub, with a marquee for seating and table, probably BYO, for us to get together. Music via a small amp and speakers and whatever anyone wants to plug in!

OK, Bull i' th' thorn is the venue ... Bull Friday AUGUST 4th to 6th is the date. I'll be there early doors to set up whatever we have. More details after this coming weekend. ;)

Update, 2nd July.

Drove the whole route today! 65 miles, took approximately 61/2 hours including a pint at the Bull and at least two 15 minute stops for food, and a couple of comfort stops ... :)

It's changed a lot from the original Bouncing Bakewell, due to road closures, TRO's and 'stuff'. I've taken a decision to just navigate one route, so it's mostly non-scratchy, still quite technical, but even our lass reckoned her Nissan X-Trail could do 90% of it! What I think we can do is run a few groups, dependant on leaders, one sets off as normal while another sets off in the reverse direction, then 10 minutes later repeat with another group.

I've taken a few videos of us driving the ones we thought might be scratchy, well what Juliet thought was scratchy, I don't really care .. ;) These will be put up soon, there's also a short clip of the rally field ..

So, details ... £12 per night per tent, payable to the pub! We can have a marquee, we can have fires but they must be off the ground, OK for barbeques, basically very few rules and even noise isn't a great problem so long as we don't take the mickey, so quieten down at about 11pm ish .. Main rules are don't be feckwits, leave it as you find it ... ;) There are two toilets, both of which also include a washbasin and shower, sort of like two bathrooms, solely for the camping field. Very clean when I looked too .. Have to say also that the pub is very friendly, decent ale and the food was reasonably priced, less than a tenner for a full Sunday roast.

Bakewell Bash possibly scratchy, but notalot

The above is (I Hope) a playlist for Youtube videos of what we consider what some people might call scratchy lanes. In reality there are very few actual scratchy bits, though there are a few where leaves and twigs might need pushing aside .. The rest of the lanes are fairly benign, certainly no worse for scratchiness. One called 'HOLLINSCLOUGH' is not the infamous steep stepped Hollinsclough, though it is steep, it's technical and tight but very, very short ... gives a flavour of the big H but not so gnarly. Excuse the sound, the camera is cheap and is picking up so much interference I really lowered the volume, most of which is just us two chattering .. :)

This is a map of the route. Set off from the Bull, turn left for the way we videoed it. Turn right for the reverse direction which is slightly more technical as most of the inclines will be driven uphill.
We've worked out Toilet stops for the ladies at Bakewell, Eyam and South of Buxton (Derbyshire Bridge).
We can stop for food at any time we find a decent place and everyone feels ready .. comfort breaks for the blokes as and when we stop for gates .. there are a few! If enough are interested Eyam has a lot of history to look around, Buxton will be packed, so we'll probably just drive through, and Bakewell can be pretty and very handy for Fish and Chips etc ...


Rally field, very quick!!

UPDATE 4 July Happy birthday America ...

RAFFLE ... Already have three prizes, and will add a few more. If anyone wants to donate prizes, please either say so or just bring them along. ALL proceeds will go to charity. I've chosen the Air Ambulance, they don't know it yet, but everything we make will go to them .. not that there's anything other than the raffle yet. If people want to bring cakes and stuff to sell then please bear this in mind! I'll likely have a donation bucket for people to chuck spare cash into, or not so spare if you're feeling flush!

I've confirmed all the route, none of it's TRO'd none of it is any scratchier than the videos above, Juliet and I reckoned that her Nissan X-Trail (spit!) would probably do all of it, though some bits are minor league technical .. it's more about sight-seeing and driving decent, sustainable lanes, so none are controversial. If anyone wants a copy of the route in gpx format (check it on any map viewer or google earth) send me a mail with your email address on it.

We have one marquee, 3m x 9m I think, being brought by @Bobdog , thanks very much mate, I'll also have a standard Gazebo, so if others want to bring gazebos or similar we'll work something out. You will have to bring your own tables and chairs, booze and food unless you're eating at the pub.

UPDATE 12 July ...

As many of you know I'm a school Caretaker and school have asked me about this 'do' and could we change the charity to Footprints for Pollie A child at our school. This is something very personal to me, so I'm saying nothing and will leave you to make your own minds up. We really need to know by this weekend, 16th July, when I'll make a decision, or rather the majority decision will stand. If no-one wants to change, don't say anything, if someone agrees to change, just say change.

I'll continue to update this first post if/when anything changes or I have more info to pass on. It's getting real .. ;)
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:)Just need DATES Paul so that Ange can book time OFF ! :rolleyes:
Just found out that Ange has first two weeks off in September So the 8th till 10th would be ACE :):):):):):):):):)
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So, after the cancellation of LZ17 I want to try a little get-together.

So, along the lines of simple and friendly I'm going to arrange for a rally field, next to a pub, starting on a Friday, ending Sunday sometime. I have the original routes from the previous Bouncing Bakewell and will run them after re-checking them. I might have a marquee already (smaller than LZ) but that's not certain yet. It's likely to be simply a field next to a pub, with a marquee for seating and table, probably BYO, for us to get together. Music via a small amp and speakers and whatever anyone wants to plug in!

Also I'm not sure on the exact venue, I tried to book two venues (one of which was the original BB pub) quickly to replace the LZ17 but couldn't, so I'm looking at sometime before September whilst it's hopefully still warm of a night time.

As yet, just looking for interest, laning leaders etc. and possibly help when I know what I/we want!

Anyone interested?
I'm in! Will there be any charity involved as previous runs have?
I also have a fairly big marquee, i think its 3m x 9m (it was given to me and i've never put it up but all the bits are there) if its needed.
This is only up the road and I would love to attend for the weekend and meet some of the faces off here!
All depends on dates and work commitments but please register my interest
Thanks for the early interest.

I'm not in work tomorrow, so a lot of that time will be spent telephoning etc. Soon as I know more I'll post more.

Yes, I intend to have a bucket or something for Air Ambulance again.

@Bobdog That's the size marquee I can borrow too, so yes, it might be useful to have two .. depends how many turn up!

I'm not going to debate too much about what we will or won't have, I'll just try to get it done. Help is always appreciated, mind, and helpful suggestions listened too. I'm aiming more at Landyzone getting together, meeting people and just enjoying the time. Anything else we get is a bonus .. ;)
Those dates are the only 1s that we would be able to make it in September Paul :(
On a plus side of things I still have raffle prizes that were 4 LZ13 so you can old a raffle as well ! (will hold some back 4 LZ14)
Hope your into taking BRIBE'S:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::p LOL
I think the dates will be more on availability of venue than when I want them.

@Flossie Search Bouncing Bakewell for what we did a few years ago .. can't remember what the original posts were, I think it developed into BB after some discussion.
Might be able to pinch a corner of the cattle market if you ask nicely and there isnt anything else on. Lots of room. Then again they will probably want money. :rolleyes: I know fishing the river costs an arm and a leg.
Hi Paul, if you haven't already then try the Miners Standard at Winster as a venue. Decent pub, good food and with a field for camping. 01629 650279
I'll be up for the weekend and for leading a group on the lanes depending on dates
Hi Paul, if you haven't already then try the Miners Standard at Winster as a venue. Decent pub, good food and with a field for camping. 01629 650279
I'll be up for the weekend and for leading a group on the lanes depending on dates
Thats where we stayed last time. Paul tried recently but it was booked up. Possibly available by september?
Anyway, for those interested, here's the pics from the last bakewell run -

Poppy's hole was fun...:D

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