The stop solenoid is not coded or anything like that it is just an electric plunger, if you hold your finger on it and get someone else to turn the key you should feel it click, i had it on another members p38 and we swapped it out and hay presto it started and ran wear as before it would spin over and occasionally cough as if it was trying to start.
Thanks for info.
There is one triangular ‘tamper’ bolt on the FIP. You shouldn’t need to touch it.

In case one day you do - Sacrificial socket will hammer on and undo it then replace the bolts. Someone on here had to buy the bolts in packs of 100s so they are available here
There is one triangular ‘tamper’ bolt on the FIP. You shouldn’t need to touch it.

In case one day you do - Sacrificial socket will hammer on and undo it then replace the bolts. Someone on here had to buy the bolts in packs of 100s so they are available here

I'd just put a normal bolt back. Cannot recall what size it was now.
Check fuse 33, it's 5amp in the under bonnet fuse box,it supplies power to the obd powers a brown wire that runs in the loom under the expansion tank, through the bulkhead,under the heater to the port,there is a splice that powers the Hevac so if that's working I'd check the port,pin 16 is the power and pins 4&5 are ground.
Between the rain showers and high winds I checked the OBD fuse 33.... no power getting to it? Had a look on here and suggestion was to check connection close to full pump in engine bay but I think that might have been for a GEMS motor? Will try and get RAVE wiring diagram but not having much luck trying to download, seems a common issue?
Download on eBay for about £3 or on disc. You can get it free but I looked for years in the end couple quid and it’s there.
Probably the easiest solution... birthday coming up, not being tight but Wifey is watching all my purchases at the moment... got third degree as Gaylander crankcase breather dropped through the letter box this morning! I think I might have an ECU/BECM sinc issue which is not helped with the OBD port being out of action?
Between the rain showers and high winds I checked the OBD fuse 33.... no power getting to it? Had a look on here and suggestion was to check connection close to full pump in engine bay but I think that might have been for a GEMS motor? Will try and get RAVE wiring diagram but not having much luck trying to download, seems a common issue?
There's a round connector by the fuel injection pump.I'd be finding out why there's no power to fuse 33,
Can’t blame her. Gaylander cranks being posted through your door she’s probably waiting for you to run off with another man. Next she’ll think you’ve spent £3 at some RAVE :D:D
Bet she’s locked her hair straighteners up with her grandmothers silverware
Can’t blame her. Gaylander cranks being posted through your door she’s probably waiting for you to run off with another man. Next she’ll think you’ve spent £3 at some RAVE :D:D
Bet she’s locked her hair straighteners up with her grandmothers silverware
I do struggle to understand my Wife's logic.... happy to buy another pair of "bargain" shoes when she is sent out for essentials and then moans at me for buying parts to keep the motors going! She hasn't had to put her hand in her pocket for the last 20 years when it comes to transport and never complains when they turn a profit? Think I will take up fishing.
I do struggle to understand my Wife's logic.... happy to buy another pair of "bargain" shoes when she is sent out for essentials and then moans at me for buying parts to keep the motors going! She hasn't had to put her hand in her pocket for the last 20 years when it comes to transport and never complains when they turn a profit? Think I will take up hairdressing.
Edited for accuracy.;):rolleyes: Wimin would buy a camel saddle if it was a bargain.:eek::rolleyes:
Just gone on to my FB page... serendipity or what? Local fishing group offering free fishing for people who are skint with mental health issues! Problem is I would sit on the bank for hours daydreaming about Land Rover parts and not catch any fish... can't even eat them these days!

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