Afternoon all,

Does anyone know where you can buy complete sides for a 110 county?

By sides I mean, sills, b and C posts.

Only place I've found that doesn't cost a fortune is YRM but they only do them in sections and I'm after complete if I can get em as I can't weld!

Cheers, J.
sections is how they come as its how they were made

get a local welder to do the job for you or learn to weld ;)


  • uploadfromtaptalk1378469180541.jpg
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You're silly. Blu-tac won't hold them.

This is what he needs:

I have gaffer tape, it's the other tool I keep alongside the only other tools in my tool box, WD40 and a big hammer...

I was obviously wrong in thinking that it all just bolts on then!

I'd love to learn to weld, I've even searched courses but I've only found 2 year diploma type things.

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