Nope. power harrow drill combination, but you can drill grass seed directly into stubble with it :)

Just a flail topper on the front as it saved a load going to the show. :)

Should of noticed the topper part, was looking at the drill. a all in 1 pass operation
Gas is a gas at normal temperature and pressure, whereas petrol is a liquid at normal temperatures and which vapourises into a gas!
Just about anything can be gas, or liquid, or even solid given the right temperature and pressure.
Water becomes gaseous at 71 degrees @ 8.5K ft.
depending on the pressure...

Baked beans become gas at stomach pressure

I have miss laid my chart and diagram ,so you will have to just believe me
Just about anything can be gas, or liquid, or even solid given the right temperature and pressure.
Water becomes gaseous at 71 degrees @ 8.5K ft.

I once climbed Mt Toubkal it was snowing at the top and I was most disappointed that I couldn't make a HOT cup of tea.
Only 120 in a 1/4? With 700bhp? My Sierra runs at 100mph on the 1/4 with 297bhp on an old airstrip with dodgy concrete surface covered in moss and cow ****e!

My mate came in with his skyline today and we've been looking at the swirl pot on it how to modify it to stop it leaking out the top, come up with a plan then he took me out for a quick blast


120MPH in 1/4 mile ...

#### me it's fast :eek:
Last ploughing match of the year today my clubs one :) 3 matches 3 wins :D


This anyone on here ? Seen it around abit :)

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