Oh please dont start this rubbish again...it is what it is and does what its designed to do, no more, no less.

What are you getting at me for? I don't see you springing to action when I as a new member ask a simple question on a Freelander forum and get responses from owners of other vehicles telling me to "burn it" or worse.

If nothing else at least let's at least be consistent shall we..?

Oh behave...pick your toys up...i was saying the gaylander cant be compared to a 'superior vehicles' as you put it as they are two different beasts. But if it makes your gonads warm to think that way then fair enough.
OOh storm you've just bin psychoanalysed by a gay newbie hahahahahahha!!!!! :D
Thanks. So....please explain what you mean by 'superior' vehicles...or are you a wannabe? if you read my post i was being complimentary about the FL..
OOh storm you've just bin psychoanalysed by a gay newbie hahahahahahha!!!!! :D

I'm having a day off ...for the love of god i dont want to talk about his obvious inferiority complex manifested in his use of the word 'superior'.

More beer?
OOh storm you've just bin psychoanalysed by a gay newbie hahahahahahha!!!!! :D

For someone with almost 30,000 posts I must say that I'm somewhat surprised that you'd be the one to bring forth the "gay" name calling. Maybe someday once you're old enough to shave someone will explain the meaning of it to you in terms that you can comprehend.
For someone with almost 30,000 posts I must say that I'm somewhat surprised that you'd be the one to bring forth the "gay" name calling. Maybe someday once you're old enough to shave someone will explain the meaning of it to you in terms that you can comprehend.

Fook orf I've been shaving since 2008. and I know what GAY means. It means ya drive a gaylander. FFS everybody knows that????
Golly..Red, suitably admonished by the closet homosexual?

I'm tired of this nonsense and I neither have the time or the medical expertise to diagnose your obvious mental afflictions. I'll just leave it at that as someone once told me that I shouldn't get angry with the sick, that I should instead pity them.

You have my condolences.


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