Fitment of the auto box highlights the start of Landrovers intentions to cross to a wider market through the Discovery.

Perhaps Landrover themselves thought that the manual box was more suited to off road applications which is why it was,nt an option for the Defender.

Its funny that these kind of threads always seem to be " hottly " debated.

There is no right of wrong choice.

What ever one you like the most to drive.

And as for reliability, I would,nt worry about that as its a Landrover, and somethings gotta break !!.

Oldskool,have you ever heard the term "State the bleedin obvious" ? To put it in simple terms,this is why I put "American driver" in brackets......
1. use the correct quote
2. I know you said it was an american but you were using that as an example of how unreliable manuals transmissions are, just because a ****wit american or any one else can rip a clutch out in 126miles does not make a manual less reliable than an auto.
3. I still stand by what i said disco 1 auto's 200 or 300 are poor performers.
4. You still haven't answered my question about the TC lock up is it top only or does it lock in other gears?
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Do you really need EVERYTHING explained in such great detail ? I'm going to assume you do as this has become very tedious.
1. I use the term "State the bleeding obvious" because to most people American drivers wouldnt have a clue how to drive a stickshift.
2. I used it as an example of how quickly a clutch can fail if badly used,as you so very rightly say they can last a long time - not that they are unreliable.My experience of replacing TDI disco clutches over the last 20 odd years is that 60-80,000m is a good average.
3. You would be hard pushed to even find a 200 auto Disco now,and most of the 300 auto's are TA vin on EDC equipped cars - in good order they are more lively than a manual.Which of course you would know if you actually drove some.I'm not just saying this for the sake of it,I use a standard test route for all my customers cars,including a long flat straight and a very steep hill.I can tell if a car is performing properly by what gear it has achieved and what speed its at.You would be suprised how similar cars are when you try enough of them.
4.Disco 1 auto,petrol or diesel have TC lock which operates at about 52mph in 4th gear.DII have it in 3rd and 4th with the benefit of electronic control.
5 I hope this covers it as the discussion really has dragged its ass out now with nothing new.
As a ****wit American I must say that I prefer an auto. It's not because I can't drive a manny, as I've owned many manual 4X4 vehicles (Jeep, Dodge Power Wagon - which had to be double clutched, Nissans, Suzuki Samurai, and old Chevy pickups) but because of the ability to ease out of dicey traction situations. In the winter I commute 125 miles a day in the crappiest conditions in North America. I work in Aspen, which is famous for SNOW. And I play in mountains known for snow and mud. The auto just works better in those situations.
Do you really need EVERYTHING explained in such great detail ? I'm going to assume you do as this has become very tedious.
1. I use the term "State the bleeding obvious" because to most people American drivers wouldnt have a clue how to drive a stickshift.
2. I used it as an example of how quickly a clutch can fail if badly used,as you so very rightly say they can last a long time - not that they are unreliable.My experience of replacing TDI disco clutches over the last 20 odd years is that 60-80,000m is a good average.
3. You would be hard pushed to even find a 200 auto Disco now,and most of the 300 auto's are TA vin on EDC equipped cars - in good order they are more lively than a manual.Which of course you would know if you actually drove some.I'm not just saying this for the sake of it,I use a standard test route for all my customers cars,including a long flat straight and a very steep hill.I can tell if a car is performing properly by what gear it has achieved and what speed its at.You would be suprised how similar cars are when you try enough of them.
4.Disco 1 auto,petrol or diesel have TC lock which operates at about 52mph in 4th gear.DII have it in 3rd and 4th with the benefit of electronic control.
5 I hope this covers it as the discussion really has dragged its ass out now with nothing new.
No i don't need EVERYTHING explaining in great detail i asked a question as you appeared to know more about disco's than i do (cos your never to old to learn). But as i thought the auto disco 1 (300) only locks up in top so thank you for confurming that.
But i still maintain that an auto is not as quick of the mark as a manual (in my obvious limit experience).
So lets draw a line under this and call it a day. :)
As a ****wit American I must say that I prefer an auto. It's not because I can't drive a manny, as I've owned many manual 4X4 vehicles (Jeep, Dodge Power Wagon - which had to be double clutched, Nissans, Suzuki Samurai, and old Chevy pickups) but because of the ability to ease out of dicey traction situations. In the winter I commute 125 miles a day in the crappiest conditions in North America. I work in Aspen, which is famous for SNOW. And I play in mountains known for snow and mud. The auto just works better in those situations.
Sorry hope i didn't offend you with that comment just a generalisation as americans do appear to prefer auto's and have had them a lot longer than us,
i dont know why you lot are arguing about which is quickest man/auto on a diesel LANDROVER. If your worried about speed you have the wrong vehicle. If you want a more spritely landrover pay up and run a v8 :)
i dont know why you lot are arguing about which is quickest man/auto on a diesel LANDROVER. If your worried about speed you have the wrong vehicle. If you want a more spritely landrover pay up and run a v8 :)
Not arguing :D just having an adult discusion ;)
No i don't need EVERYTHING explaining in great detail i asked a question as you appeared to know more about disco's than i do (cos your never to old to learn). But as i thought the auto disco 1 (300) only locks up in top so thank you for confurming that.
But i still maintain that an auto is not as quick of the mark as a manual (in my obvious limit experience).
So lets draw a line under this and call it a day. :)

You don't need any experience, just look at a road test report.

A 1997 Disco Tdi 0-60mph manual is 17.2 seconds, auto 18.9 seconds.
A 1997 Disco V8 0-60mph manual 10.8 seconds, auto 11.8 seconds.

So not much of a difference, because of my lack of experience with manual I doubt if I would notice. :)
You don't need any experience, just look at a road test report.

A 1997 Disco Tdi 0-60mph manual is 17.2 seconds, auto 18.9 seconds.
A 1997 Disco V8 0-60mph manual 10.8 seconds, auto 11.8 seconds.

So not much of a difference, because of my lack of experience with manual I doubt if I would notice. :)
Thanks for that discool, so even with the extra power of the auto its still slower top speed and acceleration as i said originally :doh: probably due to the power the auto box sucks from the engine and the fact that the T/C slips until top gear at blah blah shaft speed is reached.
As for what is best? well thats still down to every ones own preferance.:D
We're not the fools driving on the wrong side of the road!
:hysterically_laughi Think you'll find more people drive on the correct side (left) than the right side which is of course the wrong side cos the left side is the right side to drive on i think feek i got a head ache now :D

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