I,ve never driven an auto, so obviously they,re rubbish !!.

I,ve got a manual and its fricken awesome !. ( ie it hasn,t gone wrong yet ! ).

Best to drive one of each and see.

Its bloody simple - the EDC engine in the auto is set up to make more power than the mechanically governed manual box cars.
And FFS, i dont think anyone can change gear on a hill with 3.5 tonnes on the back as smooth as a decent auto.
But then I ride trials bikes and fix LR's - make no claims about driving the crap.
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Tis,esp when you factor in reliabilty - the auto is far more reliable than the poxy manual.The auto is faster and any live thing beyond the towbar gets a much better ride.

Tdi manual top speed 91mph and auto 90mph
V8 manual top speed 106mph and auto 105mph

"the auto box sucks a lot of power from the engine"

A LOT of POWER I don't think so.:)
Tdi manual top speed 91mph and auto 90mph
V8 manual top speed 106mph and auto 105mph

"the auto box sucks a lot of power from the engine"

A LOT of POWER I don't think so.:)

what has top speed got to do with power (i.e torque) the constant slip from the autobox ( unless you have a box etc from VAG or someone where the torque converter locks up and gives 100% drive) you will find about 10% power loss and fuel usage through an auto box compared to a well driven manual

as for changing gear on a hill towing 3.5t........ erm if its a proper hill you wouldn't even consider it and the auto would be working hard so it wouldn't change either
what has top speed got to do with power (i.e torque) the constant slip from the autobox ( unless you have a box etc from VAG or someone where the torque converter locks up and gives 100% drive) you will find about 10% power loss and fuel usage through an auto box compared to a well driven manual

as for changing gear on a hill towing 3.5t........ erm if its a proper hill you wouldn't even consider it and the auto would be working hard so it wouldn't change either
For you first comment,get some product knowledge,Disco 1 autoboxes have TC lock,even RRC ZF autoboxes lock their TC above a certain output shaft speed.The EDC TDI engine was rated at 122BHP compared to the manual box being 111bhp.
The second comment hardly needs explaining,but so you can keep up - boxes have to change down as well.......
Auto is a bit dead on take off with a caravan and a bit heavier on the juice. Probably manual better for pulling even though i own a 300tdi auto myself.
For you first comment,get some product knowledge,Disco 1 autoboxes have TC lock,even RRC ZF autoboxes lock their TC above a certain output shaft speed.The EDC TDI engine was rated at 122BHP compared to the manual box being 111bhp.
The second comment hardly needs explaining,but so you can keep up - boxes have to change down as well.......
If what you are saying that the auto produces more power (bhp) than tha manual is true (ill take your word for it as i honestly dont know) it is possibly because of the power loss caused by the auto box, the fact is auto boxes have greater losses than manual boxes. I know auto boxes have lock up but isn't that only in top gear?
And yes i will have to concede that an a modern auto box has a smoother change than a manual, but i would always go for a manual for towing (my own personal preferance) and from experience auto boxes that do a lot of heavy towing don't tend to last as long as manual boxes and are far more expensive to repair.
I would also say that two identical vehicles one manual and one auto the manual would always be quickest off the mark.
If what you are saying that the auto produces more power (bhp) than tha manual is true (ill take your word for it as i honestly dont know) it is possibly because of the power loss caused by the auto box, the fact is auto boxes have greater losses than manual boxes. I know auto boxes have lock up but isn't that only in top gear?
And yes i will have to concede that an a modern auto box has a smoother change than a manual, but i would always go for a manual for towing (my own personal preferance) and from experience auto boxes that do a lot of heavy towing don't tend to last as long as manual boxes and are far more expensive to repair.
I would also say that two identical vehicles one manual and one auto the manual would always be quickest off the mark.

You are dead right about the autobox consuming power to drive it - they do,which is why auto's for the 96my were fitted with the EDC pump and set up to make more power.As for life expectancy the manuals seem to need clutches at anything above 60k at a time.And the boxes often die or have virtually no synchro from 90-100k. The auto's put up with alot more,well over 200k and still going strong when they tend to get scrapped for rust.
I dont base my comments on individual examples normally because I run a LR garage,but in this case I will because I chose a 300 auto because of what I see on a daily basis - they are a bloody good deal for what you pay.Mine is now on 170k and goes as well as ever,suprising every TDI/TD5 owner that gets a ride in it.There is nothing special about it,its just well set up and cared for.But its quicker in real terms than any standard manual TDI in normal use and alot more relaxing to drive.(Oops,just admited to driving one...)
Ive recently got a 300tdi its done over 223,000 miles only had 1 replacment clutch never had the gearbox out for any repaires other than an oil leak (that happened in the first 6 months of its life) it has been used for towing/pulling some seriously heavy stuff including 10 wheel cement mixers boats 45 foot type boats old owner owns a warf and when tractor broke disco worked, It all depends on how the clutch is treated, my wife's mondeo has done nearly 100,000 miles and the clutch is fine, but i have done clutches at 30,000 cos the owners abuse them or don't know how to use them, auto boxes are harder to abuse in normal use cos you just hit the loud pedal and its all done for you.
A very good friend of mine is an RAC patrol,he often gets called to hire cars with burnt out clutches,the lowest was 126miles from new.(American driver.) So as said its how you drive,but as TDI disco's are becoming less common now, having spent many years keeping literally hundreds of them going I think I have good reason to say that generally the auto's are more reliable long term than the manuals.
And the last time I got stuck in traffic on the M25 even my wife reminded me how bloody miserable I'd have been in a manual car - of any type.

If i was buying a new motor i might look at an auto because i know it wont have been thrashed before.

If i was buying a city / town / shopping motor i might get an auto because its easier in traffic.

If i wanted a tow car i would get a manual.

If i wanted a DIY repair prject i would get a manual.

A manual can be nursed home without a clutch (providing it still has drive) an auto cant move if its fecked.

Its easier to pass the test in an auto, but i prefer to be in full control all the time.

There are less parts in a manual to go wrong, not saying autos are crap, just that there are less bits in a manual.

The only gearbox that has failed on me in 29 years was an auto in a volvo on the M4 and it boiled over, AA tow home job.

Its a tough choice for some, but i would go fo manual.:):)
A very good friend of mine is an RAC patrol,he often gets called to hire cars with burnt out clutches,the lowest was 126miles from new.(American driver.)
That wasn't cos manuals are less reliable that was cos the driver was a ****wit american who couldn't uas a clutch
So as said its how you drive,but as TDI disco's are becoming less common now, having spent many years keeping literally hundreds of them going I think I have good reason to say that generally the auto's are more reliable long term than the manuals.
And the last time I got stuck in traffic on the M25 even my wife reminded me how bloody miserable I'd have been in a manual car - of any type.
I use low ratio if in traffic :D, but i can see the benifits of an auto for town and traffic work. I drive a lot of different cars and i would possibly get an auto for my bestest car (biggest problem is wifey as she uses car 99% of time and auto's scare her :rolleyes:) but for my buisness (garage) where i do a lot of towing i will stick with the manual. I have driven a few auto disco's 200's and 300's and found them lathargic and possitively dangerous when trying to pull out quickly.
driven both, auto can be a bit boring AND useful in traffic.Look at both and go by price, cheapest wins.
What goony said :)

Wether auto or manual being a 2ton+ 4x4 its never going to be quick and if your towing most of the time then the mpg isnt going to be much different either.

just find the best one you can within your price range
what has top speed got to do with power (i.e torque) the constant slip from the autobox ( unless you have a box etc from VAG or someone where the torque converter locks up and gives 100% drive) you will find about 10% power loss and fuel usage through an auto box compared to a well driven manual

as for changing gear on a hill towing 3.5t........ erm if its a proper hill you wouldn't even consider it and the auto would be working hard so it wouldn't change either

READ my post from top to bottom again including the quote. WHERE do I refer speed ref power, nowhere, only " a lot of power I dont think so".
Only about 10% loss for the anvantages of an auto I can live with that. Fuel usage I can live with that also. :D

Do U have any proof of the power loss Tdi and V8 ??
thanks guys for all that info, i spoke to him today and has decided to go for a manual and we are going to have alook at a few over the next few weeks.

03 d2 td5 auto e.s.
I use low ratio if in traffic :D, but i can see the benifits of an auto for town and traffic work. I drive a lot of different cars and i would possibly get an auto for my bestest car (biggest problem is wifey as she uses car 99% of time and auto's scare her :rolleyes:) but for my buisness (garage) where i do a lot of towing i will stick with the manual. I have driven a few auto disco's 200's and 300's and found them lathargic and possitively dangerous when trying to pull out quickly.
Oldskool,have you ever heard the term "State the bleedin obvious" ? To put it in simple terms,this is why I put "American driver" in brackets......

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