
New Member
Hi Guys,

I've got a D2 V8 auto. When i pulled up tonight i couldn't get the car out of D I managed to work it into neutral eventually.

I has no idea what the problem was i assumed it was something fairly major.

After i got home and safely onto the drive i had another look. I forced it through drive into park and it free'd it up. I've just realised though that now the selector lock, (the button on the gear stick you press into the change gear) no longer works. So i can just slide it through the gears without it.

Other than that there appears to be nothing else wrong, it goes into gear, drives fine no warning lights.

So i just wondered if anyone had a similar experience at all? Is it a simple fix ? Is it ok to drive etc?
you have to strip lever housing down ,there is a pawl that clicks into castleated gate this seems to be a problem on yours,you can drive it as you should feel detents in box as each gear selected
Thanks for the quick reply.

Yes I can select them that's right. Probably is a good idea to get it fixed though.

Do u know if it's a relatively easy fix or the component that's likely to have failed?

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