the emulator which you couldnt access has nothing to do with codes or versions and all nanocom evos work the same on td5 engine menu regardless of version. it'definitely operator error
Thanks for your interest however please see above as that is where I was sent as a page 2 after pressing TD5 engine; perhaps you now appreciate my problem.
I must point out that I am working on my Appel Mac but Nanocom seem to be using Microsoft operating system. I am not totally sure my PC is talking to the Nanocom correctly.
I suppose if it was easy everybody would be doing it!
Thanks for your interest however please see above as that is where I was sent as a page 2 after pressing TD5 engine; perhaps you now appreciate my problem.
I must point out that I am working on my Appel Mac but Nanocom seem to be using Microsoft operating system. I am not totally sure my PC is talking to the Nanocom correctly.
I suppose if it was easy everybody would be doing it!
This is all intriguing! And I am using Linux, not M$ or Apple, however, I got my Nanocom out the car and photoed the actual sequence on mine, starting with the info page on its version page:
Nanocom Version

Press TD5 Engine

Press Green Right Arrow -->

And on mine, you get....

Maybe this helps, maybe more confusion!!
Thanks for your support I find it most encouraging. Your print out would appear to be the same as mine except the Global Update, mine is 20200205; not sure how this effects the output information. I have just spent 45 minuets on the vehicle working my way up and down every branch of the logic tree but could not find any window with 'Utilities'! Tomorrow my niece will, I hope, be bringing her laptop, with Microsoft operating system, and we will attempt to log onto the Nanocom site and download the appropriate unlock codes. I have found that I only have unlock code 01 and 03 which strikes me as several short of what I will need. Still we live and learn. I have to say that in my working life if I had an ECU problem I just called the responsible, for that ECU, engineer down to 'fix' it. I just designed and tested wiring harnesses!
Thanks for your support I find it most encouraging. Your print out would appear to be the same as mine except the Global Update, mine is 20200205; not sure how this effects the output information. I have just spent 45 minuets on the vehicle working my way up and down every branch of the logic tree but could not find any window with 'Utilities'! Tomorrow my niece will, I hope, be bringing her laptop, with Microsoft operating system, and we will attempt to log onto the Nanocom site and download the appropriate unlock codes. I have found that I only have unlock code 01 and 03 which strikes me as several short of what I will need. Still we live and learn. I have to say that in my working life if I had an ECU problem I just called the responsible, for that ECU, engineer down to 'fix' it. I just designed and tested wiring harnesses!
20200205 means 5th February 2020 as the “release” date of the firmware. Mine is 12th February 2018 which I think is the release before yours. The release notes tell you what the changes are, but from memory it is only minor.

I am just packing to get a ferry (not Fery:):):):):)) but when I reach my destination I’ll go through all the paperwork I got with mine to see what unlock codes I got, if you haven’t solved it by then.

Good luck and don’t loose faith, there is a solution there.
Yet more reasons to thank you for your support. My niece has just messaged me and plans to stay in tomorrow and do some research for me; the parcel she is expecting is purely incidental... However I have always thought it is something simple than has fallen over it just needs identifying and putting back upright. Pretty much the story of software as far as I can understand it.
Do enjoy the ferry as the seas should be calm for the next few days!
Update number two.
Following Serrafery advise I looked for but could not find the 'Utility' button however as a Dyslexic I know to read everything at lease twice if not more and there it was hiding on page two of one window. Clearly operator error! My thanks to Serrafery and PopPops for their help and encouragement.

That encouragement caused me to look again and again and finally once the engine, replacement, Electronic Control Module and the Body Control Module were talking to each other off went the engine; hurray! Not a cheep fix but then the vehicle would be scrap if I could not fix it. My skills are with the harness and I could not find any problems there and everything lined up with the circuit diagrams I have. But thanks to this sites help and the newly purchased Nanocom it is running. Tomorrow I plan to reset the Air Suspension hight as I have had to replace both hight sensors.

The old ECU is perhaps so much junk but I plan to see if there are any ECU repairs out there as I may be thinking of purchasing a TD5 for my project vehicle that has been under reconstruction for about 30 years now. It is a Series 2A 109" but now on a 110" chassis and will have many JLR bits; needs a harness engineer - like me!

and thank you all
Update number two.
Following Serrafery advise I looked for but could not find the 'Utility' button however as a Dyslexic I know to read everything at lease twice if not more and there it was hiding on page two of one window. Clearly operator error! My thanks to Serrafery and PopPops for their help and encouragement.

That encouragement caused me to look again and again and finally once the engine, replacement, Electronic Control Module and the Body Control Module were talking to each other off went the engine; hurray! Not a cheep fix but then the vehicle would be scrap if I could not fix it. My skills are with the harness and I could not find any problems there and everything lined up with the circuit diagrams I have. But thanks to this sites help and the newly purchased Nanocom it is running. Tomorrow I plan to reset the Air Suspension hight as I have had to replace both hight sensors.

The old ECU is perhaps so much junk but I plan to see if there are any ECU repairs out there as I may be thinking of purchasing a TD5 for my project vehicle that has been under reconstruction for about 30 years now. It is a Series 2A 109" but now on a 110" chassis and will have many JLR bits; needs a harness engineer - like me!

and thank you all
Glad you finally found it.:):):)
Do you remember books?;)
Those things with pages you could turn, tables of contents and indexes at the back where you could look stuff up?
I do!!!!!:D:D:D
Got a filing cabinet in my garage with two draws full of books about LR products, circuit diagrams, some harness drawings, lots of connector details and loads of 'service bulletins' - at least up to when I retired! Also I have five book cases in my home so I can read them all several times if required. Reading fiction is easer as the mind fills in missing details but text books requires absolute facts is difficult as the imagination cannot be used, at least consciously! I have looked in my tool box for a particular tool and cannot see it, I walk away and then back to see that tool in plane site! It is very frustrating sometimes and looking at a screen has the same problem which is why I print off so much. Predictive text is also a mixed blessing...
Update number two.
Following Serrafery advise I looked for but could not find the 'Utility' button however as a Dyslexic I know to read everything at lease twice if not more and there it was hiding on page two of one window. Clearly operator error! My thanks to Serrafery and PopPops for their help and encouragement.

That encouragement caused me to look again and again and finally once the engine, replacement, Electronic Control Module and the Body Control Module were talking to each other off went the engine; hurray! Not a cheep fix but then the vehicle would be scrap if I could not fix it. My skills are with the harness and I could not find any problems there and everything lined up with the circuit diagrams I have. But thanks to this sites help and the newly purchased Nanocom it is running. Tomorrow I plan to reset the Air Suspension hight as I have had to replace both hight sensors.

The old ECU is perhaps so much junk but I plan to see if there are any ECU repairs out there as I may be thinking of purchasing a TD5 for my project vehicle that has been under reconstruction for about 30 years now. It is a Series 2A 109" but now on a 110" chassis and will have many JLR bits; needs a harness engineer - like me!

and thank you all
Well done!!

After 6 hours on a ferry, 6 hours on the road I got here to find you have sorted it! It's really made my day. Hard work for you, many lessons learnt. You will not regret buying the nanocom. Enjoy the D2 now.
Update number 3
After clearing the junk away from the doors I started my engine, (hurray), and tried to reverse out - nothing, nought, no movement, zero and it now 'grinds' into Park. Perhaps the replacement xyz switch is not working! I do admit that I have yet to rationalise it against the 'truth table' Nanocom supplied but as the previous owner removed the interlock solenoid I can move it through all positions with ease so miss adjustment can be ruled out. I may reinstall the original xyz switch but that is a straw I will wait to clutch...

My computer savvy niece is coming round after collecting her farther for a 'day out' and perhaps we will find the EAT unlock code! (NB No joy with the air suspension I suspect another unlock code required?).

In the interim all suggestions would be gratefully received!

Frustrated of Warwick
perhaps we will find the EAT unlock code! (NB No joy with the air suspension I suspect another unlock code required?).
As long as you have nanocom unlocked for discovery 2 you have all the systems unlocked no other codes required, codes are needed only to unlock for other vehicles(modells)... the air suspension is in the SLABS submenu and the EAT in D2 autogearbox(second page)...insist on that emulator
Update number 4
Do I feel a fool!
Remember to put the transfer box into gear after you have replaced the centre consul and had to move both the t box and main g box levers...
Sorry to create such a problem but that's what happens working on your own with no one else to bounce concerns off.
Still got the Air suspension to sort our as the vehicle has a definite lean to the left.

Update number 5
Yesterday I went for a long drive and I am happy to say that my vehicle performed well once it was started. I have to add that codicil as it is not starting very well at least not as I would expect. To explain; the engine starts well and ticked over at somewhere between 500 and 600 rpm for about two minuets then it increases revs up to about 800 to 900 rev / min and there is throttle authority. Until this two minuets have passed, and it has to be in park for those two minuets, the throttle is disconnected from the engine. On the return journey I stopped at two service stations for less than five minuets each time and on the first attempt to start the engine, with a hot engine, no throttle authority until that two minuets had expired. On the second start I tried it in 'D' after about 15 seconds and the vehicle crawled forward at less than walking pace until I stopped and put in back into 'P' for the remainder of those two minuets.

I do not think this is standard and a quick glance at the 'Workshop Manual' revealed nothing. Does anybody out there have any experience of this and or know what to do about it? This is not a problem as long as it does not happen in moving traffic or indeed at a traffic island or set of lights where two minuets, almost to the second, would be an eternity! I have a Nanocom but am very inexperienced at using it or understanding some of it's descriptions of actions...
Tried to read any faults and both engine and g box had no faults recorded. This does not mean there were non just that I could not find any! The G box was showing three 'Adaptive (something) 1, 2 and 3' were 'inactive' even when I tried to move the vehicle! Not sure what they were.
Go in the autobox menu to Utility and push on "reset adaptive values" can't hurt, it can help or no effect at all
Done that but not sure of effect! Then I started the engine; it seemed to have a first stage, the a second stage - still no throttle authority - and finally at what seemed less than two minuets full throttle authority; going in the right direction but still not fully there!

Tried looking under 'Throttle' and all I got was the choice between '2 way' and '3 way', be nice to know what that means?
Go in the engine menu to "inputs fuelling" you'll see at a point "Accel way 1" , 2, 3 watch those values when you have no throttle response while you push the throttle, "accel way 1" should drop and "way 2 grow if the TPS signal gets to the ECU, if the vehicle is post 2002 unplug the MAF and see what happens with it unplugged

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