
New Member
I have put a v8 in a 90 it's a 1994 lump from a disco it had a problem with changing gears so I brought a new box from a 1998 disco. The torque converter and flywheel was different so I used the torque converter and spacers from old box so it mated up but the question is.

Does the 1998 disco have 4 or 5 gears? I only ask as I thought it was a zf4 box but it has 5 gears I checked several times just to be sure!!
Put it this way if I burry my foot and do about 80mph and let off slightly it will change gear? If I poodle it will change at 50mph
I have a 90 with a Disco Auto and it does exactly the same thing - so either both of ours are fine - or both knackered
Put it this way if I burry my foot and do about 80mph and let off slightly it will change gear? If I poodle it will change at 50mph

The former situation is the kick-down holding 3rd gear, in the latter 50 is about right for 4th (which is an overdrive ratio) engaging, accompanied by convertor lock-up. This upshift setting varied (& can be adjusted by a specialist) according to the model / year of LR. For example my current '87 RRC will shift into 4th at 40mph, which is handy around here with country lanes, but a '93 model I owned years ago would drop in at 50.
Hi Norseman, thanks for the explanation.

Do you know what is adjusted by a specialist - 40 would be better - I live in Somerset driving on country roads, 50 is a normal road speed, so with my setup it changes gears quite a bit.

Cheers again.
My post relates to a period several years ago when a friend had the work done on a K plate RRC, unfortunately I've lost touch over the years but seem to recall that the slush-box oil pan had to be removed & components either replaced or adjusted. Sorry I can't be more help, suggest you speak to a specialist.
Thanks for following up.

I'll ask local Landy Independent - I'll post the answer if I get any illumination.

I guess the other thought is to get an Auto from a 1980's Range Rover Classic like yours - might be a much simpler fix.

Cheers again.
I'd speak to an auto-box specialist familiar with ZF's rather than a LR (indie or main stealer) if I were you, this sort of work is beyond your average vehicle workshop & it won't be cheap either - but you pays 'yer money ...

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